Chp 7:

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I look at Nick questionably and then return to what I was doing as he comes back to sit down.

"So...where were we?" He says looking at me. I turn to look at my drink and take a sip. "Uh..." I trail off and bite my lip.

We sit in silence for a bit until Nick's phone begins to ring and he gets up to take another call. I sigh.

I felt like he was  keeping something from me. I stand and begin to wash the dishes as he  walks back out of his office again and up to me.

Before he can open his mouth to say anything to me there is another knock at the front door and we both walk towards it.

He opens it up and I  realize that I recognize the guy. He smiles at me and gives Nick a nod  of his head. "Uh...Tess you remember my friend, Wyatt?" Nick finally  says.

I nod, although I couldn't place where I knew him from. "It's nice to see you again." He says. "Likewise." I say.

"Tess...Wyatt and I have  a few things to discuss real quick." Nick says sternly. I nod and walk  off. I didn't know what to make of this.


I verify that Tessa left  before walking with Wyatt down to the office in our home, and I give  him the envelope with the photos in them.

"Here." He opens it up and scans the photos with his eyes. "Did you by any chance see who left them?" He asks.

I shake my head and  sigh. "I just want her safe. Find the person who did this." I say as I  poke the pictures, he nods. "I understand." And with that I walk him out  and return to find Tessa as I end up finding her upstairs getting  ready.

I crease my brow and  look at her. "What are you doing?" She purses her lips and looks at me.  "I'm going to work." My eyes widen slightly.

"Excuse me?" She rolls  her eyes and sets down her makeup brush. "You heard me. I'm going to  work.", "Why?" I ask-probably with a bit too much aggression in my  voice-I can tell because she takes a step away from me.

"I just-need to get out  of the house." She says shrugging and pushing past me to go back into  the room. I grab her upper arm and stop her with slight force.

"Let go of me!" She says  shrugging out of my grip and I frown. "I-I'm sorry...I didn't mean to."  She gives me a glare and continues on.

"It's fine." She says,  "I'll let you continue." I say-she goes and finishes up getting ready as  I sit on the edge of our bed. I could only begin to imagine that her  sudden change in plans was because of my attitude with her. I felt bad.

"Tessa can we please talk about this?" I say as I stand and follow her down the steps of our penthouse.

"What do you want to  talk about Nick?" The frustration in her voice was evident. "You should  know why he stopped by." I say as I rub the back of my neck. "Nick  whatever you and your friends need to discuss is your own business. I  won't intrude." She says looking at me.

"Listen to me..." I exhale deeply and sigh. "He didn't stop by for the two of us to catch up." I say as I cross my arms.

"Oh? Then why?" She asks slightly snapping. "Because I received photos of us."

Her brow creases and she  stares at me. "What kind of photos?" She asks, "Pictures of you, me,  and our family and friends." I say with a frown.

"Why did you get those pictures then? Who sent them?"

"That's the thing, I  don't know. I don't know what the hell is going on. I don't know what to  do, all I know is that I want you safe and that's why I asked for his  help."

She takes a seat in a  chair and looks off. "So you hired Wyatt to be your what? Your personal  detective?"She looks at me, "He's a good friend and one of the few  people I trust." I say.

Tessa nods and rakes her hands through her hair that she had quickly curled. "What did he have to say about it?" She asks.

"He's going to do all that he can do to find this person. Our job is to just let him do his job and find this person."

"Are they dangerous?"  She looks at me with concern in her eyes. I can't manage to get words  out of my mouth as I take a seat on the couch and rest my head back  against the cushion.

"Wyatt thinks that they could be.", "Okay! Well this is even more of a reason for us to pack up an move." She says pacing.

"Tessa if it was that  simple then I'd make that happen in a heart beat. Listen to me, you'll  be fine.", "Nick I could seriously give two shits about myself-" She  says getting defensive.

"Tessa we are not about  to play this game. I'm doing this for you. For us. I just want you safe.  I don't know who this son of a bitch is and frankly if he's capable of  stalking us down and taking our photos then..." I stop and look at her  face.

She looked scared,  angry, and confused all at the same time if that was possible. "Then  what?", "I can't fathom what else he could do." I say as I shut my eyes  and feel the couch move slightly as she sits down and curls up into me.

I drape my arm around  her and kiss her forehead. I was scared and angry but in this moment  with her against me I was doing everything I could to not think of the  negative.

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