Chapter 3

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The alarm clock jolts me awake

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The alarm clock jolts me awake. I turn it off and get out of bed and head towards the bathroom. I do my business there and change for the day. My phone buzzes, letting me know someone has texted me. I pick it up and Jed's name is notified from the top of my screen.

Jed: Kade's boxing tonight. You in?

I don't know :Me

Jed: Come on, it'll be fun. I know you guys close early today :)

On Sundays, May closes the shop early. Sundays are like her and Clyde's couple outing. They go to dinner and basically spend the rest of the day together which I think is super cute.

I still don't know. Last time I almost got a heart attack :Me

Jed: Please? I'll owe you double.

I can't pass up on that offer.

Ugh, okay fine. What time? :Me

Jed: 8:45 pm. I'll pick you up at 8.

Okay, see you tonight :Me

Kade is boxing tonight. Is this whole friend group full of boxing? Jed never really mentioned this to me. What if Jed boxes too? Now that would be surprising. 

♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎

"So, Jed invited me to go out tonight. Can I go?" I ask May as I help her arrange the roses.

"Where to?" May asks.

"Out, he didn't tell me where exactly. But you and Clyde aren't going to be home tonight. So I think it'd be okay if I hang with Jed." I lie to her. I never really grew fond of lying to May, but in some cases, I need to. Like right now because if she finds out I'll be going to an underground boxing ring, she'll freak the flip out. "Please?" I add when she doesn't respond.

"Okay but this time you better call me." 

"Thank you, May," I say as I place a kiss on her cheek.

♠︎ ♠︎ ♠︎

By the time May and I reach home, it's almost 8. "Okay, we're headed out now. Be good Prim." Clyde says as he hugs me. Clyde and May have been married for almost 25 years and not once have they had a huge argument. Maybe about toilet seats and which way the toilet paper goes.

"Okay. Have fun." I say as I wave them off. I quickly grab my phone to see Jed has texted me that he is on his way to my house. I quickly grab my jacket and bag and wait on the stool. The doorbell rings and I rush to open it. "You're here--"

Huh? Where's Jed? As I open the door, I am met with those same pair of dark hazel green eyes staring back at me. "Heath? What are you doing here? I thought Jed was going to pick me up?"

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