Chapter 5

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"I'm so

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"I'm so.......... tired, can .....we .....please take ..........a break?" I ask between breaths and we only ran 1 lap around the platform. My heart is beating so fast I fear it might as well pump out of my chest. I lie back on the counter, resting my body.

"Nope. Come on." Jed says as he pulls me back to my feet. I automatically slump back down on the floor. I guess I really am out of shape. Jed rubs a frustrating hand over his face and sighs. "Fine, 10 minutes then back to running." He says and grabs water to drink

The rest of the guys take a break, chatting and waiting until I recover from my loss of breaths. "You're breathing is uneven when you run." Says a voice from behind me. I sit up, still on the floor, and lean my back against the counter wall.

"What?" I ask still breathing hard. I turn to face Heath who slides down next to me. His leg almost just barely touching mine. He's a little too close for my liking. Okay, maybe I like it. Just a little.

"Your breathing. You have to use both your nose and your mouth. You gotta inhale and exhale using both to keep your breathing steady." He says, a serious tone lacing his voice.

"Well, it's easier for me." I breathe out, resting my head back against the counter.

"Well, you inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nose. Inhaling through the mouth is the key to bring more oxygen in your lungs rather than your nose." He states matter of factly.

"Okay, mister smarty pants," I say as I begin to stand. My tired legs give out and I brace myself for when my butt lands on the floor. But it doesn't. Two firm and strong hands wrap around my waist, holding me upright. A muscled chest comes face to face with my face. I look up to see Heath who gives me a bored look.

"Get up." He orders and I do so.

"Oh, are we running again?" Kade asks getting excited. Really? I don't see the excitement in running around a gym three times.

"No, Prim needs her rest. You guys continue the run without her." Heath orders, still keeping his green eyes fixed on mines.


"Go." He cuts Nash off and the guys start running. It is then do I realize that I am still wrapped up in Heath's strong arms. I wiggle free.

"I can run," I say standing up.

"You're still breathing hard and you can barely stand. Sit down and drink water." He says and hands me a new water bottle. I huff and sit down on the barstool.

"I thought you could care less about me being here," I say after he takes a seat across from me.

"I didn't say that. I said don't come crying to me when you get hurt. And you're not hurt.......yet" He adds the last part as if I will get hurt.

"Your acting like I'm not strong. Just because I'm a woman doesn't make me any less strong than you. You know, there are women out there who have been able to do things that men couldn't." I defend narrowing my eyes at him.

"Prim, those are strong women. You can barely fucking run properly and almost dislocated your shoulder throwing that punch. I'm not saying that your not strong, I'm saying that you need to work on certain things. Those women did too, that's why they are where they are right now." He answers back.

I guess he's right. I shouldn't put him as a sexist person. "I'm sorry, that was rude of me." I apologize. His eyes soften and my words. "You're not joining them?" I ask after a moment of silence.

"Nah, I'd rather watch you watch them with amusement on your face as they come close to finishing their third lap." He replies.

"What? Already? I thought they just left?" I answer shocked.

"That's why I stayed," Heath says with a smirk. I roll my eyes at him as the guys come around the counter. Jed steals my water bottle and chugs the whole thing down. 

"Why do you guys keep taking my drink?" I ask.

"Because anything tastes good after you," Jed says sending a wink my way. My eyes widen. 

"That's gross Jed," I say as he gives me back the empty water bottle. "And I don't need that anymore," I say throwing it away in the trash can.

"Remind me to take after Prim," Nash says giving me another wink. 

"You guys are disgusting," I say.

"You coming back tomorrow?" Kade asks me as he takes a seat next to Heath. I'm not so sure if I am physically able to. By tomorrow, my legs will probably be sore and my arm too. 

"I guess if you really miss me that much," I say with a smile.

"Yeah, I'll miss you once you leave this place to go home. I even dream of you every night." Kade answers sarcastically. 

"But I guess. I just don't want to run again." I add.

"Fine, we won't run three laps. Even though you barely did one, we'll run almost have a mile around the platform. How about that?" Nash asks me.

"I'll think about it. But I want to learn how to box, not run laps." I say.

"Running can help you get into shape. We'll even stretch tomorrow too, so less running." Jed chimes in. "Does May know you're doing this?" He adds. 

I shake my head. "No, all she knows is that I've been hanging out with you. I'm afraid to tell her or she'll freak out. She will most likely band me from ever coming here again. And I actually really like it here." 

"Well, we like having you here," Nash says.

"Thank you. I like having me here too." I reply with a smile.

"But you gotta tell her sometime, Prim. She'll want to know what you've been up to." Jed says once again. 

"I know, just give me time. I'll drop hints to her of what I've been doing, that way she'll freak out a little less. You know just to give her a little feel of boxing." I reply.

"Just make sure that she doesn't have a heart attack. May hates violence."

"I know," I say. I guess I should start dropping hints off to her tonight. The sooner I tell her, the better.

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