Chapter 16

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The next day I arrive back at the underground gym

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The next day I arrive back at the underground gym. I think doing a little walking before we begin to train is a good stretch. "I'm here!" I shout. Jed comes and runs over to me.

"Hey, you ready? You're fighting against Vic is in less than a week," He asks as he greets me.

"I should be," I reply. The truth is I'm really nervous. My heart starts beating faster at the mention of me going up against Heath's badass sister. Like the guys called her two days ago. 

"You'll be fine," Jed says sensing my nervousness. "By the way, not to freak you out even more or anything buuuuuut. I heard she's coming in today to train too," Jed quickly rushes out the last part. But I heard it as clear as day.

"What?!" I yell. "She's going to take one good look at me and think that I'm one pathetic fighter," I start to panic once again. 

"Chill. Heath's going to be here so it will be a lot less intense," Jed adds. My eyes widen even more. No, it will not be less intense, if anything it'll be even more. The tension in the room will definitely kill the mood of my training. And if Victoria finds out that her own brother is helping her opponent for the fundraiser win, then I think a shows about to go down.

"Ugh," I groan in annoyance and slump down on the floor, which I find myself doing a lot lately. 

"Did anybody order a slice of hotness?" Kade yells as he and Nash enter the room.

"No, I don't think so, you probably got the wrong address," I reply back. I sit back up and face the guys with an annoyed and worried look on my face.

"Why the long face?" Nash asks as he sits down next to me.

I sigh before answering. "Victoria's coming to train today but Heath and I will be here all day," I say.

"That's tough. But don't worry about Heath and Vic, they're probably not even going to acknowledge each other," Nash says.

"Yeah right. And if she finds out that Heath's helping me, then I think their family feud is going to go even further than it was before," I reply.

Just then the doors open revealing Heath and his sister arguing. I thought he said they don't even talk anymore? "I told you I was going to be in here today!" A female voice yells. 

"Well too bad, I'm training Prim whether you like it or not!" Heath yells back.

"Get. Out! I'm not kidding Heath," Victories screams this time.

"You have a fucking gym at home, go use it!" 

"You know what? Don't talk to me while you're here," 

"I wasn't planning on it,"

Then everything goes silent. Both Heath and Victoria's gazes meet ours. "Awkward," Nash whispers to me. I roll my eyes and shove him.

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