Chapter 4

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It's been one hell of a night since Thrax moved into Y/n and Lucas' apartment, Lucas is getting sick and tired of the virus' shenanigans and flirting. You get so flustered of the cheesy comments he made while you're working on homework. Lucas scold him many times to cut it out but he ignores it.

Thrax: "Baby, stop working on what you're doing and talk to me."

Y/n: "Not now Thrax, I'm busy. Go watch tv or something."

Thrax: "But it's so boring." He cooed.

Y/n: "I don't care, just do it."

Lucas enter the apartment with a few mails in his hands, he close the door and lock it. He sorted through the mail on the kitchen counter and read through it for anything important.

Lucas: "Not interested. Not interested. Not interested. Not interest." He said while he is flipping through it.

Thrax: "Hey baby, want to cuddle with me?"

Lucas: "No, I'm busy looking through the mail."

Thrax: "Come on, spend time with me."

Lucas: "Wait, I'm looking of anything is important-" he is cut off when Thrax lit his index finger and burn the mail with a single touch.

Lucas: "Hey!" He shouted and put the fire out with the glass of water laying on the counter. "Are you crazy?! You almost burn the whole apartment!"

Thrax: "Not my responsibility baby~"

Lucas thinking: "Swear to god I am going to spray that virus."

*time skip by Sonia and Jerry stopping Thrax from burning a rabbit*

The sun was setting in the horizon as you and Lucas are getting ready for tonight. Your boyfriend Tyler invited you to his apartment for a party. Y/n known Tyler since you started your first year in college. You wear a (f/c) blouse, (2f/c) shorts (or jeans) with black boots, a blue or black denim jacket, and a lavender crystal necklace around your neck. You look yourself in a full length mirror of the clothes you're wearing for Tyler's party.

Thrax: "Ooo baby you look fine today~. What's the occasion?"

Y/n: "I'm going to a party with my friends."

Thrax: "What about me? Can I come?"

Y/n: "No, I don't want people seeing you like this."

Thrax: "What's wrong with the clothes I'm wearing?"

Y/n: "Not your clothing, your appearance. We don't want humans seeing a virus walking out in public."

Thrax: "I can tell then it's a skin disease."

Y/n: "I don't think they'll buy it."

Lucas: "Come on Y/n, Sonia and the others are waiting."

Y/n: "Coming." You said and meet with Lucas outside the bedroom.

Lucas: "We're heading out, I want you not to burn or destroy anything while we're gone. Got it?" He glares at Thrax with a serious look.

Thrax: "I promise baby. Cross my heart."

Lucas: "You better."

Y/n and her friends headed off to her boyfriend's party in the 6th floor of the apartment building. A bunch of college students join in the fun, dancing, drinking beers and eating party snacks while loud music is blasting in every rooms. You and Sonia are talking at the snack bar while the Lucas, Mitchell, and Jerry are trying to chat with the other female students.

Sonia: "How is he doing by the way? Trying to burn the room down?"

Y/n: "Almost, I almost whacked him with a rolled up magazine."

Sonia: "He's not a dog you know."

Y/n: "I know but he needs some discipline if he's going to behave."

Sonia: "Ah, I see. A pain in the ass."

Y/n: "Yep. I gonna go and find Tyler if he wants to dance with me."

Sonia: "Good luck Y/n."

You pass through the crowd of students standing there talking to each other and looking for Tyler. You stopped and hear Tyler's voice coming through his bedroom, the door creak a little bit open in which made you peak to see. You took a sight see and discovered the most unsettling and heart-breaking moment in your life, Tyler on top of a woman while making out on his bed. Tears stream down your face as you cover your mouth to prevent a sobbing noise. You couldn't believe it, you couldn't believe the boy you liked is dating a random girl in his room and you stand there and watched. Your heart shattered into a million of pieces and never will be repaired. You couldn't take it anymore so you stormed out of the hallway pushing through the people there. Sonia turn to see your but her expression dropped when hot tears drip down on your face.

Sonia: "Y/n what happen?"

Y/n: "Don't ask."

Lucas: "Y/n? Hey what's wrong?" He asked but you refuse to answer and ran pass him. Then you left your ex-boyfriend's apartment and stormy back to the apartment. Sonia and Lucas realized what happen, Y/n found out her boyfriend is cheating on her with some prettier girl.

Tyler: "Hey guys, have you seen Y/n?" He asked Sonia and Lucas while fixing his shirt.

She couldn't believe that selfish pig is cheating on her friend with another girl. Lucas gave Tyler a disgust look and left the party to find you. Her hand grip tightly on the beer bottle trying not to break it with a single crush.

Tyler: "What's with him?" He questioned.

Without thinking, Sonia punched Tyler in the face causing him to tumble back and land on the couch. He held his bleeding nose from the sucker punch Sonia gave him. She then splash the remaining beer at the cheater covering him with alcohol.

Sonia: "Asshole." She spatted and walked away.


Thrax turn his head seeing Y/n returning home but with a different expression. The tears spilled out from her eyes as she wipes it away with the sleeve from her denim jacket. He sat up from the couch and followed you to your bedroom.

Thrax: "Baby what happen?"

Y/n: "Go away!" You shouted and slam the door in front of the virus, locking it so no one will disturb from this betrayal moment.

Lucas returns and notice the bedroom door is closed with Thrax standing outside the room.

Thrax: "What happen to her?"

Lucas: *Sigh* "Her boyfriend Tyler cheated on her with some girl at the party. I gotta say, I despise that man when lays eyes on her. Poor Y/n."

Thrax: "I see." He said but his voice turn very serious mixed with anger.

Lucas: "I think she needs some rest for now, I'll check on her if Y/n's ok." He said tiredly and walked to his bedroom.

Thrax however is very upset, he grind his crooked teeth as the image of Y/n's now ex-boyfriend betraying her love for some good-looking girl. He on the other hand have a devious/menacing plan on meeting Tyler and his new girlfriend. While Lucas and Y/n are in their rooms, Thrax stepped out of the apartment quietly and move to the 6th floor where Tyler is. Thrax let out a evil cackle and lit his index finger as the orange hear lights up.

Thrax: "This is going to be a fun night."

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