Chapter 12

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Y/n's POV

The next morning, Lucas invited Professor Wynorski inside our apartment to meet Thrax in person. He and I were extremely nervous at first letting our professor to study the humanoid virus sitting on the couch. I stand next to Lucas who is leaning against the bedroom doorway while watching Professor Wynorski examine the body features and claws.

I am really nervous of bringing the professor to let him examine Thrax like he's part of an experiment. He was this close to burn the professor alive if he was about to something that is inappropriate to the humanoid virus.

Wynorski: "I never realize this would happen all of a sudden. A virus that can talk and walk like a real human. And the ability it enhanced to melt certain object." He explained, examining the clawed fingers.

Thrax: "This human is freaking me out baby."

Y/n: "You have to chill first. He's just amazed to see you."

Wynorski: "It must be the chemicals that mixed together to the virus fusing and changing its DNA to rapidly form a humanoid body quick. How did it all happen?"

Lucas: "Mitchell accidentally knocked over the test tubes filled with untested chemicals on Thrax inside his tank." He recalled the memory in the lab. Mitchell needs to be careful next time before he creates another mutant.

Wynorski; "I see. And he looks exhausted."

Y/n: "We discovered that his diet only feeds on blood cells. We even tried human food but Thrax didn't like it and thinks it's disgusting."

Lucas: "We found him unconscious in the bathroom thought something knocked him out. And the burn marks are from the medical alcohol poured on him too."

Thrax: "Are we done here? Because I just want to get out of here before some stupid human appears seeing me." He rudely said but only received a glare between Lucas and I.

Lucas: "Yeah and what if that prick Mansley comes back as well? That guy always snooping, it's creeping me out." He asked to his professor.

Wynorski: "I know Mr. Turner, but I have come up with a plan. Does your uncle still work at the hospital?"

Lucas: "Yeah, full-time."

Wynorski: "If you can do that and get enough blood samples to fuel Thrax enough to keep him alive. And we're running low on animals since the activists managed to break inside the lab and kidnapped most of it."

Lucas: "We have to do it at night because I don't want anyone to get suspicious of what'll we're about to do."

Y/n: "It's true but what about you professor? If the authorities find out you're involved with this, you'll get fired and sent to prison as an accomplice." I stated, fearing the idea that will end Wynorski's career as a professor.

Wynorski: "I am willing to accept the responsibility of my actions. But please understand I'm only doing this for the sake of your future." He said. It was heart-warming at least showing a more caring side like a father-figure he always does and knowing the consequences he'll partake will impact his job and reputation. But it was the only way.

Lucas: "Thank you again professor."


*Author's POV*

The group are at the mall's food court discussing a plan together. Thinking its a bad idea to pick this location instead of going to the apartment. But it was Y/n's idea believing there will be cops around the building doing a stake out and her friends can't denied it.

Jerry: "You want us to do what again?" He questioned with a can of soda in his right hand.

Lucas: "We need to head to the hospital where my uncle works and get enough blood bags for Thrax to keep him alive. Apparently we're running low and it's the only source of nutrients to fuel him."

Jerry: "You know the FBI will see us and probably will chase us like animals. Even if Thrax did anything stupid, we'll be responsible and probably get arrested." He argued his point. Sonia on the other hand has a point as she spoke first.

Sonia: "And we're close to graduation as well."

Lucas: "We'll be quick. I just have to tell my uncle a little lie about something important and he'll accept it."

Jerry: "Lucas that is the most insane idea I have ever heard and don't forget your uncle will get suspicious of what you're doing. Even he'll call the police on his nephew!"

Lucas: "He won't! So shut the f*** up and help us!" He spat loud infront of Jerry, Sonia, and Mitchell slamming his fist onto the table causing a bit of friction. Anger has risen upon the teen. But what's worst is that it caught attention to other people at different tables watching us like a fight was about to break out.

Y/n: "Lucas..." You reached out laying a hand on his shoulder to calm his nerves. He then relaxed and stare at Jerry once more as the people return to their conversation or what they were in a middle of doing.

Lucas: "I know Thrax has been a pain in our asses for a month...but he's more than that, he's our friend. Sure he can be perverted, rude, and murderous, but he sometimes made us feel comfortable of his presence. I can't let them take him away from us and watch him die." He stated, looking down upset staring at his unfinished burger and fries.

Mitchell: "Yeah I see what you mean. He's not an object to be as an experiment on. He still needs us to help him survive in the world."

Sonia: "But I'm still scared loosing him. But he's still our friend though, we can't let that happen."

Y/n: "I agree too."

Jerry: *sigh* "Alright then. I understand in all of your reasons and I agree what you're saying. I do see him as a friend and knowing he can be annoying sometimes but he shows a caring side too. Damn, I can't believe I'm doing this."

Lucas: "Will you help us?"

Jerry: "...Fine but we're doing it tonight."


A/n: HI guys!! I am SO sorry I haven't be updating this book for so long and my reason why is that I have been focus on work in college and my job, and my laziness/procrastination that is preventing me from writing more chapters! I apologize again and I promise to keep updating until I feel like I'm in a mood or some sort or I got a brilliant idea for the next chapter!

Thank you for waiting patiently.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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