Chapter Forty-Four ~ The Growth of a Rose

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Chapter Forty-Four ~ The Growth of a Rose

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Rose's POV

I slowly blinked my eyes awake, my vision blurry and unfocused. The colors red and gold-filled my sight and I sighed in relief when I began to recognize the magnificent canopy I had been occupying for the past few days.

If anyone had told me I would be abundantly happy to see the inside of a canopy in Ceasian castle, I would have laughed in their faces. Time had changed my life significantly. I would never have believed this was my life, and to think it all started with a handkerchief.

I tried to smile at the thought and grimaced when my face began to ache. I didn't even know it was possible for the muscles in my face to throb this painfully. I attempted to move my arm, wondering why it felt like it was pinned down.

I turned my head to the side and breathed in air quickly when I saw Nikolai's hand intertwined with my own. His upper body laid against the red bed. His arm supported his head as a make-shift pillow, while his other arm lay across the bed with his hand encasing my own.

He breathed in slowly, and my heart began to beat even faster with every passing second. His brown curls fell against his forehead, covering half of his face. I slowly sat up, my other hand already reaching out to brush the hair away.

I smiled slowly when the soft tendrils met the front of my fingers, and I felt my eyes tearing up in happiness at the sight of him.

It was wonderful to see him. I remembered how he had arrived riding Maxine, how he had fought for me and for the women that had been taken, how he had held me when everything was over.

I watched as his jaw clenched and drew my hand back quickly when his eyes slowly opened. Goodness, I didn't mean to wake him. I glanced quickly at our still intertwined hands and couldn't bring myself to let him go.

Giving him a closer glance, I noticed the markings under his eyes that signified fatigue, his ruffled hair that looked even messier than usual, and his crinkled clothing that was usually pressed and neat. His shirt was slightly pulled back so I could see the white wrapping gauze around his shoulder.

Nikolai looked tired.

He blinked a few times before his azure eyes moved over to me and they widened quickly when they met my own.

Well, I hope I didn't scare him.

"Rose," Nikolai whispered, sitting up from his bent position. I smiled, hesitantly, my heart beating faster with every passing second.


Finally, it felt like everything was coming into place.

"Hello," I whispered, literally having no idea what to say. I think I may have even waved. What does one even say to the love of their life after they risked their life to save you? A thank you seemed hardly enough in this case.

I opened my mouth to say anything but closed it when I noticed the expression on his face.

It was a look of heartbreak.

Yet, he didn't look away from me.

"What? What's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked, my heart dropping to my stomach. Did something happen to my sisters? Princess Naida? The women in the mountains that had been taken? Was it possible I hadn't been as successful as I thought?

"Why do you have that look on your face?"

He shook his head, his eyes casting downward-looking ashamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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