Chapter Forty-Two ~ The Saving of a Rose ~ Part One

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Chapter Forty-Two ~ The Saving of a Rose

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Rose's POV

I screamed against the fabric pressed against my mouth, not regretting why it was put back into place. It was a spur moment of anger and not one of my finest times, but God did it give me such satisfaction when I had sunk my teeth into Levon's leg.

His yelp of pain will forever be music to my ears.

Of course, when his palm smashed against my cheek and I was almost positive that I had heard my neck crack, I did somewhat regret it because of the riveting pain.

But, I'll forever look back on it as a fond memory that would never fail to make me smile.

Now, I was stuck with the dreaded fabric that tasted of dirt and grime, filling my mouth with a strange taste that made me want to vomit. I wished I had saved my biting move for when we had reached the port, maybe then I would have taken him by surprise.

My stomach heaved in hunger as the pressures on my stomach grew with every step the horse took. I craned my neck slightly wondering if I could see the port or at least the silhouette of the ships before the sound of pounding steps reached my ears.

It was out of tune with the horse I was riding on, and I turned my head swiftly to the other side to see what it was. Or rather who it was.

The air left my lungs when my eyes fell on the speeding shadow heading toward us at full velocity. I recognized the brilliant black stallion that's hair blew furiously in the wind as it raced down the curved plains. On his back was a hulking figure that screamed glory and radiated power with just his sitting stance alone.

I recognized those brown curls that blew heavily in the wind, the same way they had on our second meeting when he had arrived late.

Those broad shoulders that opened to his muscular arms that held me desperately when I had been taken captive by Mr. Gale.

Those rough hands that held mine tenderly when he invited me to dance at his Coronation.

Those pink lips that had caressed my own under a heavy coat of rain in an abandoned alleyway in the town of Alaterra.

And finally, his stone-cold cerulean blue eyes that had met my own for the first time when we first met in that crowded tent. Those same eyes that now gazed at me desperately as if he was afraid that if he were to blink, I would disappear.




"Levon!" Nikolai roared, his voice echoing in the grassy hills that were held prisoner by the land. I immediately noticed the tensing of Levon's muscles as he slowly came to a stop before turning the horse around.

My view of Nikolai was obscured, and instead, my bottom was faced in his direction.

Goodness, how mortifying!

Still, I couldn't stop my eyes burning with relief and shock. There was hope I wouldn't be shipped to a different country.

"Well, look who finally decided to show up and all alone of all things," Levon cackled, his body relaxing when he noticed that Nikolai was all on his own.

Nikolai didn't say a word, and I held my breath, not wanting the sound to be muffled if he did speak. I wanted to hang on to his every word just as living proof that he was here. That this beautiful man had come for me even after all the trouble my father had caused him.

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