Chapter Three ~ The Name of a Rose

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Chapter Three ~ The Name of a Rose

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"Where did you go?" Prim asked.

We were currently heading toward the arena after exiting the tent. Alongside us, were the other ladies who were in the tent. They talked actively among themselves with silly smiles on their faces. The ladies who were able to give their handkerchiefs smiled with pride and held a smug expression.

Well most of them.

Milly was in her own wonderland and kept repeating the phrase, 'I can't feel my heart', while patting down on her bosom. I didn't have the heart to tell her that she couldn't feel her heart because she was searching for it in the wrong place.

She was patting on the right side of her chest.

I didn't hold a smug expression. In fact, I felt my face still burning with embarrassment at my words. I introduced myself as a handkerchief. A handkerchief for goodness sake! Was my head screwed on backwards?

"Rose? Your face is bright red! Have you fallen ill?" Prim inquired, stopping in the middle of the pathway. She pressed the back of her fingers to my cheek, holding it there for half a minute before removing it. 

"You're warm! Do you want to sit down?"

"No, I'm alright, Prim," I told her, with an earnest look on my face. "Let us hurry! Or else we won't find good seats!"

That seemed to snap her out of her motherly daze. She nodded hurriedly and grabbed Lily's hand. I took hold of Milly's, who seemed to be gazing into the sky with a lovestruck look on her face. Now I was getting worried.

"Milly, let us hurry up or we shan't find a good spot! You won't be able to watch your knight in shining blue," I whispered, and that brought her back from her daze.

"Hurry, Rose! I want a seat close to the bottom so that I can be up close and personal!" she cried, dragging me after her. She passed a confused Prim and Lily, who was eating a loaf of bread that she had somehow managed to get her hands on.

Prim laughed when I worded the words 'blue knight'. She hurried up her pace, making Lily stumble after her. The four of us ran to the large stone arena. We passed by many villagers and elbowed them out of our way with a hasty 'pardon me'. We reached the dark crested tunnel, which was the entrance to the stadium. Our shoes soon hit the sand that made up the ground of the arena.

"So uncivilized!" I heard a woman whisper. I turned around for a split second to see the woman in question. She wore a green gown with an absolutely hideous hat that resembled a deformed green vulture with peacock feathers protruding at an odd angle.

She had whispered it to a nodding woman who was not dressed any better.

Uncivilized? At least I had sensible fashion taste that didn't require the harm of any animals. Nobels. Oh, how they enjoy wearing such strange things and try to outdo each other. I wouldn't be surprised if her hat attracted flies who were under the pretense that it was an actual dead body. Such deception. 

The stadium was already filled by many people but we still continued at a hurried pace. Milly whooped in joy, getting weird looks from the Nobles, as she raced to secure seats at the front. My hand was still in her grasp and I almost stumbled forward when she pulled me with all her strength.

I took a seat beside her on the stone molded seat and watched as Lily and Prim took the seat beside me. Milly let go of my hand and bounced in her seat, her eyes sparkling as she stared at the stadium ahead of her.

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