26. The broken mug

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8 years later

Aditi's point of view


The sound of hitting my flash cheek echoed in the room and again her fingerprints printed to my cheeks. But I was stubborn, not to let go my tears from my eyes to give her a satisfaction, which she always get when she hit me.

"Is this what you call a coffee, bitch. In all those years you don't know how to make a coffee, you useless person."

"Aahh.." I winced in pain when she through hot coffee on me.

"But Ahhana, I made the coffee as you like." I said while suppressing my pain. I noticed the smirk formed on her lips when hot coffee burned the skin of my hand.


She again slapped me and this time harder than before that I couldn't stopped the tears which welled up in my eyes. She pulled my hair from the scalp and make me look into her eyes. Her three inch heels making her taller than actually she was. Looking at her I can tell she came into the house few minutes back after late night party, last night. She must sneak from the backyard gate so no one can know, she was not at home last night.

She continue coursing me and keep me realizing how worthless I am but little did she know I am used to it since my childhood and now the feeling is numb. I accepted my fate. I accepted that I am useless person and accepting things hurt less.

"It's ma'am for you slut." Again her lips curled into a smirk when my eyes filled with pain, hearing that particular word which hits me the most because of my horrible past. I could not help the tears which shaded out from my both eyes making them more red and burn with tears when that horrific memory fill my mind. The memory which still haunts me in my sleep if I get some. The horrific past which raised its finger on my existence in this world.

"Don't call me that." I said while glaring at her through my tears. She tightened her fist on my hair make me winced in the pain.

"Why..? Did you remember something from it?" She mocked me and I can't stop my tears when she again mocked me about my past. She knows what happened to me five years ago and she loves to mocked me about my past so that she could hurt me the most.

"Listen bitch, you are whore, a slut, a prostitute who loves to spread her legs for every man who came into her ways. You deserves to live in a brothel not in our house." I blinked and more tears escaped from my eyes hearing such words about me.

"Don't say such things Please." I hate myself for begging again in front of her. But if my begging could stop her say such words I am ready to do that all my life.

"You don't have any idea how much I live to see those tears in your eyes. You are stubborn as hell not to shred them in front of me. But I have my ways. I get the satisfaction when you mourned in pain. I will make your life living hell in this house." She laughed at me and then threw me to the floor.

"Make another coffee for me." She shouted on me. I don't say anything just nod while looking down.

"Words..." She pushed me to the floor by her leg.

"Ye..yes...ma'am." I stammered in my voice because of sobbing. I am not that strong how I think myself. Aahana knows how to make me cry she did it every time.

"Good..now prepare my coffee before I shower. Otherwise you know what will I do to you." After saying this she leave and slammed the washroom door with thud.

I started collecting the broken pieces of coffee mug which Aahna broke after throwing the coffee on me. I was ready for another slap which will going to come on my way because of this broken mug by Ahaan's mother. She will hit me without knowing behind the reason of this broken mug is none other than her daughter.

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