100. The days without him

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Aditi's point of view

My heart feels light. Yes, I am feeling overwhelmed right now but it is because I am feeling love right now. The weight has lifted from my chest after a month and I feel as light as the air.

Yes, I still have tears in my eyes but they were not from agony. They are the happy tears of being with Dhruv again. I have smile on my face again and I again feel myself lucky to fall in love with this beautiful human being.

"Where is your car?", I asked him when my eyes fell on his bike which was parked near the park.

"From past one month she is my partner when I was searching for you.", A sudden guilt washed over me when he said that and walked to his bike.

Maybe he doesn't mean to taunt me but I still feel guilty of leaving him. He set on his bike and looked at me. I smiled to him and set behind him holding him tight. He kicked the bike and after taking a address from me he drive towards my place.

After a 10 minutes of drive I asked him to parked the car in a bike stand because from here we have to walk to my house as the lane was too thin that only two people can walked in. Because of the rain, water pool was made on the both side of the road making it smaller than usual.

I don't know what Dhruv was thinking about this place but this is the best I could afford in a short time period. This place is in the old city of Lucknow where mostly labour community lives. This place can be dangerous in night because drunk men roams around in the lane. Dhruv must be uncomfortable, walking in this lane. I looked at him and he was walking behind me without any frown on his face but he was walking carefully, not to dump his leg in the mud.

We stopped in-front of my house and I lovked the door for both of us. I moved aside and Dhruv went inside, after him I also get inside and locked the door. He looked at my house and then turn to me.

"You live here?", He asked and I nodded my head while looking down feeling conscious about this place. It wasn't as beautiful as his house. It is a simple room where I have a attached kitchen and a washroom in a single room, paint was torn of places making this place older.

"It's nice.", I looked at him and he has a smile on his face and I just keep looking at him with love. He ran his fingers in his wet hair and then I realised we both are wet because of rain.

"You must be feeling uncomfortable. You go and take shower.", I went to the small almirah I have in the room and took out a fresh t-shirt and a lower for him. Before leaving the house I put some of his clothes in my bag to feel him close to me. Every night I sleep holding his shirt closer to me. It wasn't enough but it feel his presence. When I gave him his clothes he looked at me with so many questions but there were emotions playing in his eyes and I know this night is going to be long as I have to answer all his questions.

"Before leaving the house, I stole some of your clothes from your almirah to feel you closer to me.", I said and looked down in embarrassment.

"It's okay.", I looked at him and he has smile on his face.

He took clothes from me along with the towel and went inside the washroom to shower till then I also changed my clothes after showering in a common washroom we have at the end of our lane. Many ladies has used it when they ran out of water. I have never used it but today I am exceptional. Till Dhruv was showering, I bought some groceries from the shop, made some dinner and spread a clean bedsheet on the bed. I was working on the dinner when washroom's door open and Dhruv came out from it.

"You must be hungry?", I asked him while turning to him.

"Yeah...a little.", He said while rubbing the towel on his hair.

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