RESET? (2)

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Art made somewhere on ROBLOX lol.

Frisk and Chara are girls in this book.

"you know what I want to talk about, right?"
Frisk had a tingling feeling that it was about the resets.
"Judging by your expression, I think I'm right..." Sans paused. "do you know how this feels? to be stuck in an endless loop. to be hopeless, no future in plain sight..." He looked straight ahead, not making eye contact. The store was not opening till the next day, therefore they were alone.

"I- I'm sorry..." is all Frisk could muster. They weren't the most confident at times like these. They wouldn't dare make any sassy remarks, that's their alter-ego's thing.
"...sorry? really? I've been through hell and back and the best you can say is sorry?" Sans replied, failing to keep his cool. "and the worst part? I remember kid, I remember everything... every time you gave us false hope, and every time you killed everyone I know." He said coldly

"I- i- but how?" Frisk exclaimed in confusion and shock and also trying to steer away from the subject of the genocide timelines. "Only someone with incredible amounts of determination can remember! And monsters CANT have determination! And even if you did, you'd have to surpass Undyne in determination, and she has tons already!" Frisk ranted, before meeting Sans's eye sockets which read "shut up, I already know this."

"whatever, now for what I'm here for. I'll be straightforward, promise me you will never reset again. let me have a future, will ya kid?"



"Sans... I promise I'll be-
"I dont want your lies. I want a truthful answer." Frisk took their time to think. About a solid minute before:
"Can I have a day? To think about this?"
Sans thought about this. for 1 day. Even If they reset a day after, he would have had 1 new day. A new 24 hours where he didn't have to do the same things, over and over.
"sure," he said. "alright I'm going to my new house"
"You have a house on the surface?"
And with a snap of his fingers, he was gone. Like always.

Frisk POV:

"That could have gone better," Chara said.
"And what would you have done? Talk about how we killed everyone like this was a thing everyone does? I panicked." I replied, explaining the reasoning behind my actions.
"Well, at least we know he remembers."
Chara said, thinking. " I say we talk to him tomorrow, I'll let you think about your decision with the whole reset conflict"
"Your not gonna help? This isn't an easy decision, it's the fate of the future! "I
exclaimed, thankful no one was around to witness me talking to myself.
"If you make a mistake, reset like you always do," Chara said with a grin, well knowing that wasn't an option.

I went outside, wondering about tomorrow. I haven't had a chance to think about the future as before this conversation I was planning on resetting. But now, the idea of a new day is a lot more appealing. How many new choices could this open?

"Hello, my child, did you have a nice time outside with Sans?" Toriel asked "I expected you to be out much longer"
"Yeah, hi mom! We forgot the restaurant didn't open until tomorrow so we just talked." I half lied. Toriel was staring out the window. She was mesmerized by the outside world.

"Isn't it wonderful?" She said, "The nature of the surface world?"
"It is," I said. In all honesty, nature can be truly beautiful.
"Yeah, your right...but..." Chara started, "Most humans, being the filthy creatures they are, just take everything for granted, and lock the kind of people who would respect their luxuries down a mountain!" She said angrily.
"My child, are you alright? You looked annoyed about something." Toriel stated, not being able to hear or see Chara.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking" I lied "Mom, do you know where Sans lives on the Surface?" I asked, needed a location as I had no clue where to find him.
"Hmm no, I do not I'm afraid," Toriel replied. "You haven't been to the park yet, right? Why not play there for the rest of your day?" Toriel suggested.
"That's a good idea!" I replied, jolting out the front door. In reality, it was an excuse to go looking for Sans.
"What an energetic child, Toriel said to herself, chuckling.

Sans POV:

Today has got me thinking about a lot of things. My past has been the focus of many. Like when I discovered resets.

Italics = Flashback

This cant be possible! I thought. Something just stopping timelines and creating new ones? This is unheard of. The machine must be malfunctioning. This data is not what I was expecting.
I need to tell someone. This could lead to, either, world destruction or something revolutionary. Depends whose hands it falls onto, right? Judging by this graph alone, someone is already messing with it. Timelines are jumping left and right, stopping and starting...

"And that's your fault, isn't it?" I said. Flowey rolled his eyes. "Do I look like a child with a knife?" he responded.
"You egged them on, helped them..." I said, his eyes turning to a black void, "and dont act like they're the only one who did it."

"Whatever, this is your problem trashbag, so deal with it." Flowey shot back, before digging a tunnel out.
"really? You want me to leaf you alone that much?" I said, looking at the place where Flowey previously resided. Didn't even get to talk about what I wanted to... I may as well bring the house over, it's almost dark so let this now.

I took a shortcut to Snowdin and realised a dilemma. I wanted to bring my lab over to the surface, but to do that, I had to somehow make a hole for it to fit in without arousing suspicion from others. So I had to do it in secret. For now, I just brought the house alone and would do it later.

2 hours time skip:

Papyrus has fallen asleep, now it's excavation time. I tried making a big enough hole with a shovel, but it was taking way too long, so I decided that my blasters could work, although they were quite loud.

"SANS, BROTHER ITS 2 AM WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Papyrus bellowed from his window. It wasn't every day you saw your brother digging holes with a weapon he told you to keep a secret from everyone.
"work?" I replied, looking up at the window. Papyrus muttered something about me being lazy before going back to bed.

After a long hour of constant magic usage, I looked at my newly created hole.
Well, that will do, I thought before grabbing my lab with magic and placing it inside the perfectly shaped hole. Now, time for some well-earned rest after exhausting my magic.

If you read the old ending, then you know that I did end up changing it to make my book look more professional. Thanks for reading and I want a comment so send me one pls. The next chapter will probably be more important for the plot so I'm excited for that, even though as of writing I haven't even uploaded this story.

Words = 1110

Re-write: 1235

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