Chapter 45

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Cornelius's eyes grew softer, and he smiled while he nodded. Relief filled his eyes, and I was sure it was because I was acting as if I didn't know him. "It's fine, Child," he soothed, and I had to bite my lip to keep from scolding him about him calling me a child. He cleared his throat and flicked his eyes to the ground in apology as if he knew that I didn't like him calling me a child. "Are you all right?"

I bit back a retort and instead nodded, knowing full well that it would be best to act like I didn't know him. "Yes, yes," I said, my voice cracking from nervousness and fear. I cleared my throat and let out a small burst of air from my tight lips while I looked away from him before I looked at him again. "I am alright. I-I just lost my balance, is all, so thank you for catching me." I slipped the stuff into his pocket and was grateful that he didn't move when he felt my hand in his pocket.

Cornelius nodded and still didn't move while I took my hand out of my pocket. "Of course," he said. He cleared his throat and helped me stand in the heels. His grip on my arm was hard but soft, and I knew that he wouldn't let me fall flat on my face while I made it back to the seats. "Is this your first time wearing heels?"

I nodded. "It is," I confirmed. "I've only worn flats and tennis shoes up to this point." I looked at my aunt, who had her lips pressed into a thin line and looked a little guilty, and offered her a small smile to let her know that I was fine before I looked at him again. "My aunt thought it would be a good idea for me to try them on and try to walk around in them, even though I ended up falling."

"I am sure that it just takes practice," he said. He cleared his throat and kept me steady. "My m- wife loves to wear them sometimes now for certain occasions, but when she was about your age, she wouldn't have been caught dead in them."

I bit back a chuckle and nodded. "I guess it comes with age and experience like many things," I replied. I cleared my throat and looked away from him and towards the way I had to go. "Do you think you would be able to help me back over to my seat?" I asked, nervous about walking that small distance between me and the seat. "I don't want to fall again."

Cornelius nodded. "Of course," he said, catching himself before he said, "princess" or something like that. He cleared his throat and squeezed my hand before he walked me towards the seat. "I do believe that you should get the heels so that you could learn how to walk in them."

"Thank you, kind Sir," my aunt said, and I groaned. She gave me a smug look before she looked at Cornelius. "I am trying to get her to get them, but unfortunately, she doesn't want them, and her mind is hard to change."

Cornelius chuckled, and a small smile flickered onto his lips. "I am afraid that I wouldn't be able to change her mind either." He helped me sit down, and I kicked off the heels and wiggled my toes happily.

My aunt chuckled and shook her head, amused. "Very funny," she teased and handed me the shoes I had on before I tried on the heels. "Now, are we going to get the heels or not?"

"Not," I replied, and my aunt nodded while she bit back a snort. "I don't want them. I'm pretty sure that you have a pair that you have been meaning to give me anyway." I smiled and winked teasingly, and my aunt chuckled and nodded in confirmation.

"I have a couple for you to try on and use when it is time to wear them," she confirmed and nodded again. "However, we can do that later. I believe that we have what we need for right now?" She raised an eyebrow in question, and I nodded while I put the sandals back on my feet so that I could go back to the dressing room and collect what my aunt wanted me to get as well as putting on my own clothes.

"I still don't understand why you want me to get a dress," I said and looked at my aunt. I pouted and cocked my head, giving her my best puppy dog look that had Cornelius biting back a snort. "Can't we get me some new jeans or shirts or something else instead?"

My aunt's gaze grew soft, and I couldn't help but think that my plan was going to work. "I mean, we can get you that stuff," she said, and my pout turned into a smile because I was happy that my plan was working. "However, we are getting these items right here because that is what I want you to get." She smiled innocently when I scowled and narrowed my eyes. "And since I am the one that is buying..." She trailed off and winked, her smile turning into a smirk.

My smile turned into a frown when she said that, and I shook my head because I did not want her to buy this stuff when my mate had given me his card to use. "No," I said in a firm tone. "You are not buying me these things, Aunt Arie. I won't allow it."

"My dear, Kat, you don't have a choice," Aunt Arie said. She raised her hand to keep me from saying another word, so I closed my mouth and pressed my lips into a thin line. "I had already planned on taking you out shopping and spending as much time and money on you anyway," she said and shrugged. "This just happens to be the perfect time and opportunity." She narrowed her eyes and scowled when I opened my mouth again to retaliate, so instead, I closed my mouth without another word. "Do not make me change my mind or tell me anything different. Do you understand?"

I sighed and nodded, knowing full well that I wouldn't be able to change her mind. There was a little part of me that was happy that she wanted to take care of me, even though she didn't need to. "At least let me make it up to you," I said feebly. "I can buy lunch."

Aunt Arie smiled and shook her head, and she cleared her throat while she shook her head again. Her blue eyes were wide and filled with tears and pain, and I could tell that she was not going to let me buy lunch for us even after she had spent all of her money on clothes for me. "You being alive and here near me is payment enough, Kat," she said, her voice shaking a bit. She cleared her throat again. "I don't need anything else from you, and I never will."

The Cat Shifter (Book 1 of Shifter Series)Where stories live. Discover now