Chapter 1

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"Here you go, Kitty," someone said, placing me on a cool metal stainless steel surface. "Now, why don't we be a good cat so that you will be able to be adopted sooner?" There was a fake cheerfulness in his voice, causing me to growl slightly. His hand was bandaged from where I had clawed him, when was trying to give me a shot.

I flicked my tail and turned towards the open door. I was ready to jump out when the person, a male, closed it in front of me. I hissed and flicked my tail, knowing that I was going to have to wait until this evening to escape.

Well then, I thought. I might as well catch a few zzz's, I mean I'll have to go out as human form. I yawned and blinked tiredly, before laying down. I wasn't comfortable on this stainless steel surface, but I was going to make the best of it.

So, I wrapped myself into a little ball, placed my tail over my nose, and fell asleep, ignoring all the sounds of the barking and meowing of the other animals in here.


My ear flicked towards the sound of a door opening of what was to be my prison until I escaped. New scents filtered through my nose, and I couldn't help but raise my head a little when I had smelt something that smelt like a dog on them. I looked the way that they were coming, trying to see if I couldn't spy these new... creatures.

"Potential clients, Shifter," a voice said in front of me. "You should try to make it so that you will get adopted."

I turned my head away from them to look ahead at a massive black dog in front of me. I blinked, my eyes widening when I saw that he was smiling. "Are you talking to me?" I asked.

The dog blinked and nodded his head. "You are a shifter, are you not? I smell the human part of you." The dog seemed to smirk when he saw me flicking my tail in irritation. "What? You want to keep running and living your life by yourself?" he teased, causing me to hiss a warning. "What about meeting your mate?"

I blinked and stared at him in shock. How much did he know about me? I thought, shifting slightly. My heart pounded, slightly from nerves and this caused the dog to chuckle darkly.

"My name is Butch," he said. "I was adopted by a Werewolf family before the mother died, and the father sent me back to the pound." There was deep hurt in his voice. "I stayed here ever since then."

"Kathrine, but I go by Kat," I said. "And how old were you?" I looked toward the smell again, knowing that I was smelling Werewolves. I remember being told to find some Werewolves, but when I crossed a couple of pack's territory, they just seemed like they wanted to eat me.

"I was six," he replied. "I was there since I was a pup." I could tell that he missed his girl, and that made me sad. He turned towards the entrance, probably having a better view than what I had. "It's a girl that's looking for a pet or something."

I closed my eyes and flicked my ears around. "She's sad," I said, finally, opening them. I cocked my head and tried to think of what could make a child so sad. "I don't know why, but I can tell that she is sad."

Butch stared at me in awe. "How do you know?" he asked.

I shrugged, not knowing the answer. "It's the same way as being able to talk to animals," I replied, before yawning. I started to feel tired again, so I laid my head down on my paws. "It's in my nature."


"Lift me up, Brody," a female voice said in front of my cage. "I want to see that."

I flicked my ears toward them but kept my eyes closed. Oh come on, I thought, frowning. I was just able to get back to sleep.

The Cat Shifter (Book 1 of Shifter Series)Where stories live. Discover now