Chapter 57

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"Kat," my mate said and started to shake my shoulder after he parked the car. "Wake up, Love. We are here."

I bit back a small groan and waved my hand, trying to get him away from me while I curled up closer to the back of my seat. "Leave me alone," I mumbled sleepily and ducked my head closer to the door. "Let me sleep."

My mate chuckled softly and shook my shoulder again, trying to get me to wake up. "Come on, Love," he said softly. "As I said, we are here."

"But sleeeeeeep," I moaned while I ducked my head closer to my chest and covered my face with my arms.

"But Amity," Brody replied in the same tone with a hint of amusement in his voice. "You are going to have to wake up if you want to see her."

I groaned again and furrowed my brows before I opened my eyes and looked at him, his blurry face coming into view. "We are here?" I asked, groggily, and he slowly nodded. I bit back a small groan and rubbed my eyes while I looked at him.

"We are here," he confirmed. "Are you ready to see everyone?" he asked and raised an eyebrow while he cocked his head.

I hesitated before I nodded and sat up, rubbing my face a bit more. "A little nervous," I said before I cleared my throat, and he chuckled and nodded.

"I know," he said softly before he cleared his throat and grew serious. He looked at the others before he looked at me with a small smile on his face. "I am too," he admitted before he slowly nodded again.

I bit back a small sigh before I shook my head and rubbed my face some more, trying to wake myself up more. "Come on," I said and opened the door before I took off my seat belt. "Let's go and see them. Is everyone else ready?" I looked at the men in the back, and they nodded in unison.

"We are," Trevor said with a slight nod and opened his door. He cleared his throat and unbuckled his seatbelt before he shifted and got out of the car. "Let's get out and see what we can do to help them and talk to Amity."

I pursed my lips in annoyance and nodded before I got out of the car and closed the door behind me. I looked around, my heart pounding hard in my chest while I did so. I bit my lip and shifted slightly while I got nervous, not sure what was going to happen.

Would they stand by my side if they see me again..?

Carver walked over to me, his footsteps soft against the gravel. He grabbed my shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly, and I instantly placed my hand on his.

He looked at me with a small frown on his face, and I could tell that he was worried too, not about contacting Amity but about me and how I was going to hold up, seeing them and the guilt that never seemed to leave.

It's not my fault... I thought while I bit the inside of my lip before I took a deep, shuddering breath and released it with a small whoosh, trying but failing to release the anxiety that held me in its grasp. No one blames me...

No one blamed me.

"You'll be fine, Kat," Carver said, his voice barely above a whisper while he squeezed my shoulder one last time before he released it. "No one blames you for your uncle's mistakes or misdeeds."

I hesitated before I slowly nodded and cleared my throat. "Then let's not keep them waiting any longer," I said, shooting one last prayer to the Moon Goddess that they would actually accept me while I started to walk that way with the others following me.

I didn't know what I would do if they didn't...


The hair on my arm started to stand up at attention while magic filled the air.

I paused and narrowed my eyes while I looked at Carver, and he raised an eyebrow in question. "What is this?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Magic," Carver said and raised his eyebrow higher. "What do you think it is?"

I bit back a small sigh and rolled my eyes while I shook my head, annoyed. "Why is there magic?" I asked. "How is there magic protecting this place?"

Carver bit back an amused smile and shook his head. He didn't say a word while he gestured for me to continue to walk in the direction we were going, and I rolled my eyes and scowled but did what he said and continued to walk in that direction.

"Did the king help make this?" Brody asked and placed his hand in mine. He squeezed it reassuringly, and I couldn't help but smile and look at him, grateful that he was there.

"Yes," Carver said and nodded. "He helped make sure that they were alive and stayed well. The Warlock King and Queen will know that you are here because of the magic that surrounds this place."

I stayed silent and slowly nodded while I squeezed my mate's hand, feeling nervous.

My mate squeezed my hand in response before he took my hand closer to his lips and placed a soft kiss on it. He didn't say a word while we continued to walk together, and I couldn't help but furrow my brows when a thought occurred.

"Will they know that I have contacted her?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper while I looked at Carver, and he nodded in confirmation. "Do you think that they would care i-"

"They won't," he said and shook his head, interrupting me. "They won't care if you bring her here. She has been here before, even though she does not remember it while being under the Dark Warlock's control."

I bit my lip and furrowed my brows. "What about those that are here?" I asked and looked at him. "Do you think they would care that Am-"

"No," he said, interrupting me while he shook his head. Carver cleared his throat and stood taller. "They will not care that you brought her here either. They knew that if you did so, then it is to bring her back fully under your control and to cut off the Dark Warlock's spell."

"But I could still lead R-"

"He won't be able to get here without anyone's permission," Carver said, interrupting me with another shake of his head. He gave me a pointed look, and I closed my mouth and pursed my lips in annoyance. "You are in control of this place, Kat, besides the Warlock King and Queen. If you say that she can come, then she can come. If you say that he can't come here, then he can't come here."

I pursed my lips further in annoyance before I slowly nodded. A thought occurred to me, but I dismissed it with a shake of my head because I had a feeling that Caspian had been coming here to help out when he could in hopes of getting on my good side.

My mate stared at me curiously and raised an eyebrow. He did not say a word, but I could tell that he was curious about why I shook my head.

I bit back a small snort and shook my head. "It's nothing," I said, my voice barely above a whisper before I cleared my throat. "I was just thinking about something that I didn't need to worry about."

My mate furrowed his brows and slowly nodded but didn't say a word. He looked forward and squeezed my hand, and I looked that way to see the familiar shape of two idiots that loved to get into trouble and be somewhere where they were not wanted.

But that didn't mean that they weren't welcomed...

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