Chapter 24

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After hearing what they had to say and having multiple arguments between each thing, we were finally almost done with the meeting. There was one more business to take care of, and they looked rather nervous about me bringing it up.

"Did you figure out who had placed the spell on Amity?" I asked. I had the stone that marked me as the High Queen and was studying it. Relief filled my body because I had it on me, and I knew that it was safe from Romanov and anyone who wanted to misuse it.

Ro and Ray glanced at each other and looked at me. There was a guilty look in their eyes, and I could tell that something had happened, which caused them not to get what I had asked for.

I bit back a sigh and rubbed my nose. "What happened?" I asked.

"We... got a little sidetracked," Ro said. "And by we, I mean Ray."

"What did you do?" I asked, looking at her. I frowned and gave her an annoyed look, knowing that whatever she had done could hurt my chance of getting Amity out of his grasp. "I thought I had told you to see who was controlling Amity."

Ray looked down. "You did," she said softly. "But... I couldn't. She had been near him the whole time."

I bit back a groan and moved a hand through my hair. A headache appeared, and I knew that it was because I hadn't gotten the rest that I needed. "Of course she was," I said. "Did you at least try to see if you couldn't find out her schedule?"

Ray hesitated but nodded her head. "Yes," she said, her voice soft. "It should help you."

I nodded my head and was about to tell her to tell me what she knew when the door slammed open, and they jumped in front of me and hissed. I looked past them to see Brody at the door, glaring at the twins. "You two might want to move," I said, seeing his eyes change colors to those of his Wolf. "Before he loses complete control over his Wolf." I had not moved from my spot near Carver, and Carver hadn't moved because I was leaning against him.

"Come on; I would like to see him try," Ray said, grinning. "It's been a while since I fought a Wolf."

"It was a week ago, Ray," Ro said, glancing at his sister. He relaxed and moved away from in front of me, taking Ray with him. "Though, I do want to see how His Majesty will act with a Half Breed's strength and speed."

I rolled my eyes. "Then he can fight Trevor if he wants," I replied. I grunted when Brody pulled me into his arms and patted his arm. "I'm sorry that I didn't wake you," I said guiltily. "You needed sleep."

Brody took a deep breath of my scent and relaxed. He sat down in a chair and relaxed. "So do you," he said. "Why are you two here?" he asked, directing the question to Ro and Ray. "Aren't you two supposed to be hiding?"

"Nope," they said in unison.

"We had business to discuss and had collected something important that Kat needed," Ro said.

"We were going to wait until morning to discuss everything bu-"

"No, you weren't," Carver said, interrupting Ray. "You two were not going to wait."

Ray scowled at Carver and looked at Brody. "We weren't going to wait. We decided to wake her and get it done."

"What is so important that Kat needed that couldn't wait till tomorrow?" Brody asked. "She needs to sleep."

"Sleep is for the dead," I replied, and Ro and Ray snickered while Brody scowled. "But, they needed to collect this." I opened my hand to show him the stone.

"What is that?" he asked, staring at it as if in a trance. He was about to touch it but stopped when I closed my hand, breaking the spell. Brody reared back and shook his head, feeling the release of it. "What... just happened?"

"It's called the Stone of Power," Carver said, and Brody looked at him. "It is a stone that marks the High Queen of the Cat Shifters. Leg-"

"We can get into legends and stuff later," I said, interrupting him. "Basically, it had put you under a spell and wanted you to touch it."

"However, it would have burnt you because you are not marked as Kat's mate yet," Carver said, scowling at me. "It could have killed you."

"Then why did it... call me?"

"That is where the legends come into play," I replied. "But, we can talk about that later because I am about to nod off, and I know that Carver needs to sleep too." I looked at the twins. "I want you here for the rest of the night but gone in the morning before everyone else wakes up. I need you two as my eyes and ears at the base."

Ray and Ro looked at each other. They had a silent conversation before looking at me and nodding their heads. "We'll do it," they said.

"Don't wait too long to call us. We're going to have to swear under oath to you."

I nodded my head. "Three days," I said. "And I will call everyone. First," I clutched Brody's hand feeling rather nervous, "I need to make myself known as the Luna of this pack."

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