Chapter 14 - Interrogation

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Was the only word to describe what went on when I woke up the next morning.

Jake, Liam and Toby all day round the breakfast table as I walked downstairs.

"What did you do with Noah yesterday at his parents?" "When are you next seeing Noah?" "Do you like him?" "Where is this going Harper?"

The questions continued.

Truth is, I didn't know where this was going. Sure we had been out on a couple of days, and I reeeeaaallly did like him. But I didn't know him properly yet.

"Guys STOP!" I thought you were going to let me make my own decisions and mistakes"

" We know Harper, but you are still our baby sister." Jake replied "We barely know the guy besides Toby as he plays football with him, but even then it's not properly"

"Fine. How about I invite him round for supper this week and you can talk. But don't scare him off, I really do like him guys. He makes me feel special and I've only just met him!"

"That will work" Liam said "But no promises. He's looking after the most important thing in the world to us, so he's got to be perfect and treat you right"


I guess that was better than nothing. I liked this new found independence that they had given me. I'm not sure I'll use it to abuse alcohol again, man that hangover hurt for a while. But it is nice to feel like they support me.

I do wish though that at a time like this I had my mom with me. She'd know what to say and do. She tease me about my crush and cry with me at night when I didn't know what to say and feel. My brothers were great. But they were not my mom.


Megs came round after school. I had barely seen Noah all day, Though he did send me a lovely text from across the classroom.

'Looking gorgeous today foxy' he wrote. I said him a squishy face back and turned around to wink at him. Gosh he's cute.

Truth is, I needed Megs more than ever. Without my mom around I was kind of clueless in the boy department.

"But what do I do if he wants to make out with me" I asked, feeling slightly embarrassed in regards to my complete lack of experience when it came to the opposite gender

Megs, who had slight more success than me, and who had lost her V card in Sophmore year to a Senior she had been crushing on replied "Harps, it'll just happen. You'll know what feels right and when it feels right. He's not pressuring you is he?"

"No, he's not. But it's only been a week. What if he wants things to move faster than I'm ready for"

"Put your big girl pants on and text him Harper. Find out whatever this is and where you stand. He clearly is into you, and you like him, so just talk about it"

The thought of asking what we were and what he wanted made me feel a bit naseus. What if he wants whatever 'this' is to be over before we even really got started.

"Alright Megs, just help me write something please" I looked at Megs with my best puppy dog eyes.

"Alright, but only if I get to sit next to Toby at dinner" she said with a wink

Bloody typical. Though I wouldn't complain if she got with Toby. I think they'd be a cute couple

*Noah, Squishy. I really like you. What is this? Can you come over this week to talk? I need to know where I stand in this. ~ Foxy xo*

* tomorrow xx* Noah replies almost instantly

Well I guess I better get my big girl panties on and figure out what I want with Noah.

My 3 brothers and meTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon