Chapter 12 -Small kisses

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We walked around the zoo all day till we had seen everything. Noah was being very sweet, he held my hand the whole way and took pictures of me with all the animals. My hangover no longer felt that bad either. My headache had cleared and my stomach no longer felt knotted

The conversation flowed and I could see he wasn't so nervous anymore. He told me more about his little sister Mila and promised me that I could meet her sometime. I had always wanted another girl in my family to play with. Instead I got my 3 big brothers.

We spoke about where we wanted to go to college, what we wanted to do in the future, about our families, about his old place. But I couldn't bring myself to bring up my parents. Not yet anyway

Maybe one day I would be ready, but for now I didn't want him know. Not until I was sure that he wanted to be with me anyway. I thought telling him on our first date would be too much, especially at the zoo where memories were so fresh.

We left the zoo and went to the cinema around mid-afternoon.

"So Foxy, what would you like to see?" Noah asked turning to face me as we pulled into the cinema parking lot

"Something scary" I replied "I love scary"

"Hmmm" he muttered

"Please Noah. We can go out for dinner after?"

"Okay but if you're scared don't come crying to me" he half giggled in reply

We ended up choosing one of the new horrors out. It was about these dolls that haunted a house and the people living there were unable to escape. It was quite good actually. Though Noah's hand held mine the entire time.

"Well that was great, did you like it Noah?" I questioned still holding his hand

"I don't like horrors. That was bloody scary" he said

I laughed

"What!!! You know it's fake don't you fishy" I said still laughing

"It's not funny. Those dolls were creepy" he said looking a bit angry now

"Ok ok. But it is fake. You don't have to be scared. Shall we go and get some pizza ?" I said

"Sure. Pizza is my favourite"

"I thought I was your favourite" I said jokingly not expecting a response

"No you're my second favourite" he laughed "pizza always comes first" he said and gave me a small kiss on the cheek

A bit shocked I just pulled back and looked at him. Our first date was going really well but was I really ready for this. Noah was being so lovely to me but I know he had a reputation from his old school. He did say he's never had a girlfriend but that doesn't mean he hasn't ever been 'there'

I decided to just relax and see how things went. After all I was having fun.

I looked up at Noah and smiled

"Let's go get that pizza" I said grabbing his hand again and pulling him in the direction of the nearest pizza restaurant.

Dinner was lovely. He ordered the Meat special and I went with the pepperoni. We laughed about school and I found out he was pretty clever. He promised me to help me on my essays sometimes.

We left the restaurant and got into his car. When we pulled up to my house he turned off the engine and looked at me.

"Thanks for today Foxy. I had a really nice time. You're an interesting person that's for sure" he laughed

"As long as it's interesting in a good way" I laughed "I had a good time too. Let's do it again sometime" I continued.

"Yes definitely. I'll text you." He said smiling

Noah leaned in and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. He pulled back

"Well bye then Foxy. Sleep tight"

I giggled and leaned over the gearstick to kiss his lips.

"Bye Noah" I said and got out the car swiftly. Without looking behind me I entered the house as I heard him drive off.

"Harps is that you?" Someone yelled from another room

"Yes!" I replied happily

"How did your date go?" said another male voice

"It was good" I shouted back "I'm going to go finish my homework and go to bed. Goodnight"

3 Goodnights replied and I went upstairs into my bedroom. I had had an amazing day. Noah was so lovely to hang around with. I was excited to see what this led too.

Suddenly I heard a ping from my phone.

A text from Noah.

Goodnight beautiful x

I replied.

Goodnight fishy x

That night I slept the best I had in a long time. All thanks to Noah. And possibly my hangover...

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