Chapter 11 - You look like a monkey

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It was about an hour later, that we arrived at the zoo. Before leaving my brothers sent Noah outside and gave me a lecture. Be back by 7, no holding hands and certainly no kissing.

They were cute. But I was glad they were giving me space to learn and grow independently.

The car journey to the zoo involved a lot of small talk. Part of me was wondering if my brothers had made him change my mind about him. I had never seen him this quiet. The normal cocky and loud mouth Noah was no more.

We got our the car and started walking towards the entrance. The zoo was my favourite. My brothers always brought me here to cheer me up just after our parents passed. I have fond memories of this place. When I was surrounded my animals all my worries went away. My dream job as a zoo keeper was now feeling possible. Just a few more years.

Noah paid for us to go into the zoo. What a gentlemen. I lead the way towards the first exhibit; the monkeys.

Noah was still quiet so I tried to make conversation.

"So Noah, I'm sorry about my brothers"

"It's alright Foxy, id do the same to my little sister. They're just looking out for you and that's cool" he said chuckling

"Well that's good" I replied "I thought you were going to run off and leave me here, you are so quiet" I continued not knowing where to look

"Truth is I'm just nervous. I've never taken a girl on a date before. You're the prettiest little thing I've ever seen and I just don't want to mess this up" he said almost shyly

I just stared at him smiling. I liked where this was going.

"Come on" he said putting his arm round me. "Let's go closer to the monkeys"

His arm around me made me feel nervous and excited all at the same time. I've never seen him act like such a gentleman. He was being so sweet.

"Hey Noah" I said looking into the spider monkey enclosure "I think you look like a monkey" I giggled

"Well foxy" he said turning to look at me. "That's not very nice is it"

"He's a cute monkey!" I exclaimed "you're a cute monkey"

"And you're a cute fox. Now come on, I want to go and see the Elephants."

He grabbed my hand. Uh oh, it's not even lunch time and I've broken one of my brothers rules already. We walked off towards he elephants giggling and chatting away.

Our first date was already amazing.

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