Chapter 4 - Detention

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"Welcome Miss Fox, please take a seat" said the head teacher at detention later that afternoon.

I noticed Noah in the corner but decided to stay away from him. I took a seat on an empty table and began to look around the room. Detention was filled with the rebellious pupils of Westfield high. Was I becoming one of them? I wondered. I've never been the rebellious type. Maybe that's because my brothers have always been here. Shit my brothers. I didn't tell them that I'd be late Home.

Detention dragged on for an hour until at 4pm we were dismissed. I just sat there drawing scribbles on my notepad or staring at Noah.

I literally ran out the room when we were told we could go. My brothers were going to be so mad. I ran all the way home, not even stopping to cross the road. Reckless I know. Finally I got to my door. Slightly sweaty and out of breath I put my key in the door.

There sat on the kitchen table with angry eyes were my brothers. Didn't they have anything better to do than wait for me. It was only 4pm, Jake and Liam should be at work.

"Toby called us" said Jake answering my minds question "he was worried when you didn't call for a lift or arrive home at 3pm"

"Where have you been" said Liam in an angry term

"I, urmm, I, I...."

"Well spit it out Harper" said Toby equally as angry

"I got a detention" I said looking at the floor nervously

"You What" said Jake "Your first day and you've already got a detention. I thought you would be alright without us Harper. I thought you were more sensible than that" said Jake harshly

"What did you get it for?" Questioned Liam

"I was chatting in biology" I said shamefully

"Did Megs get a detention too?" Questioned Liam again

"Umm no, Megs wasn't who I was talking too" I said still looking at the floor. "His name is Noah and he started today and he was calling me names so I fought back" i said really quickly "but I'm tired so I'm going to my bed" I said and hurried upstairs and proceeded to lock myself in my room.

My 3 brothers and meWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt