Chapter 9 - House Party the aftermath

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By 11.00pm the party was still buzzing. Our house was filled with people everywhere. They weren't allowed upstairs but everywhere had loads of people. Most of whom I didn't recognise. My brothers were all drunk, and all dancing with various women round the house. They all have had girlfriends in the past, but due to not wanting me to be left at home and get in to trouble. Things just never worked out.

I walked past Megs who was making out with a boy from Toby's year. Only a year older, I could deal with that. In fact all I wanted was a sweet, loving and sexy boyfriend. I didn't care about the age....

I went out into the back garden that is decorated with fairy lights. My mum always said fairy lights would guide your good choices. It always made me laugh as a child. I didn't understand. But yet as a looked on to the end of the fairy lights, I saw Noah sat on our little swing at the end of the garden.

Was this a sign ? I chuckled to myself. Maybe a sign that I needed to find out what he was talking about earlier

"Hey squishy" I said nudging his shoulder

By this point I was really drunk and was not scared to embarrass myself or find out he truth.

"Hey sexy Foxy" Noah slurred back

He got off the swing, offering it to me. And began to push me on the swing from behind.

"Tell me about yourself Noah" I said to him "Everyone knows of you around school. But no one really knows you. What's your favourite colour?, do you have siblings? I want to know it all"

I want to break down his walls. He's so hot and cold all the time. Is it something that I've done? Or just his personality

"Well foxy. My favourite colour is green and I have 1 sibling, a little sister"

I turned to look at him, wanting more information.

"Her names Mila, she's 6. And she's just like a little princess" he chuckled drunkly

"That's a cute name." I replied "what happened earlier Noah? I thought we were chatting?"

He stopped pushing the swing almost immediately. A couple of moments of silence later and he came round in front of the swing and sat down on the grass in front of me.

"Your brothers Foxy. Not just Toby but the others as well. Let's just say there's a code when it comes to dating siblings.

I was shocked

"you um want to date me" I stuttered now feeling incredibly sober

"I like you Harper" he began saying my actual name for the first time ever "I know I'm annoying and cocky. I know that we don't really know each other, and I know I just moved to this crazy town and met you." He continued

"Okay" I squeaked

"I know that this is crazy. That this has all happened so quick. But I really do like you Harper. Do you want to go on a date with me ?"

YES. Yes. yes

My heart was doing somersaults

A date ? I had never been on a date. And maybe Noah wasn't bad when you got to know him.

"Yes Noah I'll go in a date with you" I said standing up as he did the same

The alcohol was starting to hit me again. Or maybe it was just because I was happy.

"That's great Harper. I think you're really special" Noah said looking at me.

After a couple of moments just looking at each other Noah leaned in to kiss my cheek.

"Hey mate. Get your dirty hands of my sister" said Jake angrily from behind Noah.

Jake was now stood in between Noah and I.

"What are you doing to my baby sister" said Jake. I could tell he was very drunk

"Look Jake" I said pulling him away from Noah a little bit "Just let me make my own choices tonight. I'm having fun and I'm safe I promise"

"Sure thing baby sis. But don't come crying to me" Jake said before taking another swing of his beer before walking off.

The night continued. Noah and I danced and drank, and drank some more. I don't remember much after that, apart from throwing up in the downstairs toilet. Then everything just went black.

My 3 brothers and meOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora