An average day

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It was an average day and snow covered the ground it wasn't too deep but enough to hide any trace of grass that may want to poke out, Faint sunlight would be shining through the white and greyish clouds covering the sky and down onto the snow giving it a glitter like sparkle.

Finland and Estonia would be walking down the path of a public park in the snow nearby stopping as Finland sees something on the snowy ground.
"Hey Estonia watch this!" Finland says as he picks up two sticks and puts them up to his mouth. "Raaawr!" He'd make some goofy faces.

"Oh Fin, You're so silly." Estonia giggled of which brought a smile to Finland's face. It was then that he started to chase her holding the sticks pretending he was some sort of monster. Estonia just played along and laughed at his silliness as they bounded about the park for what turned into hours.

Now let's leave these two here and see how the others are doing for a second and head somewhere else

The North American household POV

Yelling noises would be coming from the living room  "¡AMÉRICA AYÚDAME!" A certain Mexican voice shouted out beneath a pile of America's states of whom had chosen to dog pile the poor soul.

"Hold on Hold on.." America said as he walked out of the kitchen where he and Canada were busy making food for all 50 states.
"Ok everyone to the table and stop crushing the short grumpy man."  All the states would get up and run off giggling finding their places at the table in the next room.

"Vete la mierda." Mexico growls as he gets up grumpily dusting himself off while glaring at America who then responded with a smirk "You're welcome." After rescuing them from his states he made his way back to the kitchen. As he enters the kitchen Canada would be laying some plates of pancakes on the counter. He'd lift his hand and start pointing from plate to plate.
"Maine, Ohio, Nevada, Iowa," Canada continued saying names as he pointed at each of the plates. "Alright." America enthusiastically said as he started to pick up multiple plates balancing them along his arms like a talented waiter going as far to even balance one on his head. It was definitely a handy talent when you have 50 states to feed and don't want to take 50 trips back and forth several times a day. Canada picked up a decent amount of plates and followed America as he walks to the dining room.

As they entered they saw all the states waiting in their places at a really long table in what looked like a food hall instead of a dining room but with so many states you kinda need a lot of space. "WHO WANTS PANCAKES!"  America shouts exuberantly.

The room suddenly filled up with the sounds of 50 states shouting "Me! Me!" all at once, Some even hopped in their chairs with excitement. America and Canada then went along the table passing out the plates to all the excited little states one by one each one quickly sitting down and digging into their pancakes.

The Korean household POV

A door could be heard slamming loudly. "Awwww come on North.."  South Korea said as he stood outside North Korea's bedroom door that had just been slammed in front of him. South was trying brighten North's mood by making him cookies so they could enjoy them together and watch tv.

"Go away!" North Korea snarled. "I don't want you or your stupid cookies!!" His face was full of anger while he glared at his brother. "Can't you at least try.."  South pleaded. All he wanted to do was spend a bit of quality time with his brother and try to gain a better relationship with them.

North would then open the door and look them in the eyes "WHY CAN'T YOU GET IT THROUGH YOUR HEAD!"  He snaps loudly.
"I DON'T LIKE YOU! I'M SICK OF WAKING UP EVERYDAY AND THE FIRST FACE I SEE IS YOURS!" South Korea just stood there trying not to tear up over the words coming from his brother. They hurt him so much.
"I WISH YOU WOULD JUST DISAPPEAR!"  North then slammed the door shut leaving South Korea to stand there alone silently holding the tray of the freshly baked cookies he had made all by himself for them to enjoy. I guess that wasn't going to be happening now. South turned around and dis heartedly walked back to the kitchen with the cookie tray.

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