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That horrific screech, those glowing eyes. Where had Estonia run off to and what had she become?.. Was that the last time she would ever be seen?.. What if she had been more aggressive towards Finland? Where would he have been then? So many questions..

There would be a sudden slam causing to Finland jolt straight with surprise. He had fallen asleep at the UN meeting table all the countries silently looking at the half asleep country. Looking to his side he would see UN who had slammed a book on the table beside him in order to wake him when he seemed to be sleeping through half of his speech. "Are you with us Finland?" UN said with a stern look.
"Oh uh- yes sir." Finland says as he sat up straight and cleared his throat awkwardly. He was so tired since as he hadn't been able to get any sleep at all.

"As i was saying." UN said as he continued his talk prior to waking up Finland. "Miss Estonia seemed to have not joined us today. Do you happen to know why?" He says as he looks back to Finland. Oh great they wanted to know where Estonia was. How do i tell them about this?! Finland thought. Oh she just turned into a monster, smashed her window and ran off into the forest to never be seen again no biggie. What to say.. Finland then cleared his throat. "She uh wasn't feeling so well last night. That's all.."
If Finland were to announce the truth in front of everyone who knows what could happen and the arguments that could break out.

"I see.." UN said before calmly walking back to his original spot at the end of the long meeting table. He'd look around the room then call a country up to make their speech. Once the country had started to make their speech Finland's mind started to wander off into his thoughts about Estonia. Across the room another country wouldn't be paying attention to the others speech but still had his attention to Finland. It was America. He was snickering to himself clearly getting the wrong idea about Finland's situation. Giving his brother a nudge he would make a rude gesture with his hands hinting towards Finland who was completely zoned out. Canada just rolled his eyes "Oh grow up." He whispered in annoyance as he turned his attention back to the speech. America just frowned and started sulking as he also started paying more attention to the country that had been talking this whole time.

Throughout the meeting several other countries came up taking turns as they each gave their speech going on for quite a long time. Even Finland had to come up and give a speech despite his struggle to remember what he was supposed to talk about that day with the lack of sleep. Eventually things quieted down and the meeting was coming to an end. People were starting to get up from their chairs and collecting their papers and such before making a leave for the room. Some stayed behind a little longer making a little more discussion amongst each other before leaving. UN was still in his chair sorting his notes and writing a few extra things down. Finland was now making a move of his own to leave but before that he wanted to talk to UN. The country made his way over a little hesitant to bother UN who was well known for being a workaholic that didn't like to be bothered while doing so.

"Excuse me sir?..." Finland carefully spoke hoping to get their attention. UN let out a sigh "What is it?" He'd say not even looking up from his notes. Gaining at least some kind of attention Finland continues. "Sir i need to talk to you in private.."  This time UN put down his pen and looked up from his work to Finland. "And what's so important that it can't be said here?" He said rather Impatiently. Finland took a quick look behind himself at the other countries talking with each other at the other end of the room then back at UN. "Please sir it's urgent.. It's the truth about Estonia.." He'd whisper. UN seemed to gain more interest as he stood up and cleaned his papers from the table. "Meet me in my office." He whispered to Finland before leaving through a door within the meeting room that supposedly led through a hall to his office. In a hurry Finland followed behind soon finding his way to the office UN had mentioned.

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