Unsolved problems only get worse.

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It had now been a week and a half since Estonia's disappearance from her home and all countries were still oblivious to what had actually happened that night. Russia had not been seen since his disappearance either and almost every building around was covered in missing posters displaying the Russian's face. It was only a matter of time before all the secrecy and silence would unravel about the current events that had been going on.

Ever since Poland's attack the country had remained confined to a bed within a hospital his moments of consciousness flowing like waves. Sometimes the country was somewhat awake enough to see the nurses tending to him and sometimes he would just fade out again and become oblivious to what was going on around him. Occasionally he had a visitor. Germany, of whom had been the one to get Poland help in the field and was seemingly the only one apart from EU and UN who knew he was here. However Germany's visits lessened after being advised by UN that maybe it was best to leave the country to rest so he could recover.

At the moment Poland was in the room alone and it was late at night so the nurses were letting patients get their well needed sleep. Poland on the other hand wasn't actually sleeping but rather staring blankly in front of him who knows what thoughts were going through his head at that moment but whatever it was made Poland start attempting to sit up. This was highly unrecommended it the polish man's current state, he was nowhere near close to recovery and nobody was there to stop him. Poland then went even further as he began to get out of his bed and tear away from the hospital equipment as if it was merely something he had gotten caught up on. The country didn't seem all that aware, his eyes lazily danced about the place as if full of confusion. Finally pulling away from all the wires and tubes the country began dragging himself towards the door to the hall, his wing dangling to the floor behind him unable to hold itself up yet. This was very dangerous to the recovery of his bones and should have been excruciatingly painful to the country. Yet he didn't seem too reactive to the movements of his broken bones. It seemed almost like Poland was desperate for something as he made his way down the dark hallway of the hospital taking peeks into rooms and whatever object he came across in the hallway.

See what had gone unknown to the nurses was that the Polish man had begun to get very very.. Hungry. Starving in fact. And no they hadn't neglected to feed the country they had tried to make sure he was in fact very well fed especially with the strange weight loss he had been experiencing during his stay. However it wasn't enough for Poland, he needed more. He was desperate. It wasn't long before the country came across a vending machine in one of the hospital halls quickly dragging his way over to it and staring at its contents. He was practically drooling as his eyes locked onto the chocolate bars. God how he needed them. The Polish man began hitting the vending machine glass in desperation to reach inside but it was no use due to how weak his body was. That didn't stop him though. He continued to hit the machine only getting hungrier and hungrier with each passing moment.

Then suddenly something awoke within Poland it was like he had a sudden boost of energy. His hits against the vending machine glass grew stronger and more violent almost like the man was going feral. Poland's eyes began emitting a light as he got rougher with the machine. Finally Poland broke through the glass letting out a monstrous roar that could be heard throughout the entire building. As the country raided the contents of the vending machine packets and all, staff had come to investigate the loud sound.

As the staff approached they saw the crazed country ravaging the vending machine. Thinking nothing much of it they warned the country for his behaviour. "Hey!" One would shout. "You need to go back to your bed!" Poland simply continued emptying the vending machine completely ignoring the staff member's yells. The staff member decided to try once more. "Sir! I said you need to go back to your bed! Please step away from the vending machine!" This time it seemed like Poland had heard them as he stood back from the machine. Except there was one catch.. The vending machine was now empty.

"Good." The staff member began. "Now wait right there while someone gets you a wheelchair." Poland stood there just staring at the wall ahead of him. As another staff member approached with a wheelchair the sound of cracking could be heard causing all the staff to pause and look to the direction of the sound. It was coming from Poland...

The country's eyes grew brighter and the wing that lay limp behind him began readjusting upright as if it was somehow repairing itself. A growl came from Poland as he crouched onto the ground and brought his hands to his face. Suddenly he's begin growing in size, arms becoming longer and bonier as well as his legs. His growls grew louder somewhat screaming as he took on a form similar to that of Estonia except he continued to grow at almost double the size his now giant wings flailing and crashing through the walls and ceiling around him. Unlike Estonia the Polish man took on a more monstrous bird like appearance his legs now resembling that of a bird with sharp claws. What was this creature... It certainly wasn't Poland anymore. Then came a deadly silence everyone frozen due to the events that had just unfolded in front of them.

All of the hospital staff were to terrified to move at this point. But someone had to make the first move.. One staff member nervously took a step towards the terrifying beast. "Mr Poland?.. Are you alright?.." After the quiet question the hall was left with a few seconds more of silence before Poland viciously turned to the crowd of staff attacking them faster then they could even react. Both Poland and hospital corridor were sprayed in blood after his ferocious outburst. Once there was no life left in the hall Poland moved on in search of more prey crawling through the hospital corridors at high speeds knocking down lights and breaking through the hospital ceiling as he crushed his now giant wings through the small space. Alarms began sounding throughout the hospital and screams of terror could be heard as Poland let out his wrath on the place. Anyone in his sights were lucky if they were able to escape the bloodthirsty beast.

It was only a matter of time before Poland's rampage would become known to his fellow countries.

End of chapter

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End of chapter

Man sorry this took a while guys i had inspiration to continue at the time i finished the previous chapter i dunno what happened to that but i'll try to get another chapter out maybe soon after Christmas this time until then thank you to anyone who has read this far it really keeps me motivated to write more

EDIT!!! I COME BEARING A GIFT! I have drawn out our aggressive polish monster man (realistically he wouldn't still have the hospital gown on because he is huge now but i shall not be going that far) i hope you enjoy the picture it took me quite a while XD i actually meant to draw pictures for other areas of the story too but my motivation dies a lot and it only gets to the sketch which i still intend to continue at some point.

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