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Word of Poland's sudden wrath on the hospital eventually reached a higher power and soon groups of trained soldiers were being sent to capture the rouge country and rescue the innocent civilians still fighting to survive within the building. Meanwhile outside the buildings surrounding the hospital were being evacuated just in case the out of control country broke his way out of the building and also to protect people from rubble falling from the hospital as Poland broke his way through it weakening the building's internal structure. It was chaos. People running in all directions many screaming in terror as parts were thrown from the crumbling building almost hitting people as they ran from it.

Meanwhile safe in a meeting room containing a long table with a great number of chairs along either side of it sat the countries of the world watching the event play out from a tv screen being presented to them by UN their mouths all agape at the sight of one of their own going rogue as some sort of monster. Soon UN turned to the countries to further address the situation. "So as you can see we have a catastrophic issue on our hands. We don't know the cause of it yet and we have certainly never seen anything like this before. Unless someone here has?.." UN looked to some of the older countries for a moment such as UK and France only to get a quick head shake from them. They had never seen anything like this in all their years. "Right.." UN said as he continued. "Nobody here knows what this is.. The authorities are currently trying their best to bring people to safety and safely secure Poland. Once they do they will be taking him to a facility which is currently being set up with the proper containment to hold him while we figure out what to do." The organisation let out a long sigh boy was this situation out of his depth. This went beyond world his job to keep the peace. You can't make a wild monster sit down for a calm discussion over a cup of coffee as to stop it from destroying everything.

"Whatever this is we think that it can be spread to others via close contact with them. Things like contact with bodily fluids such as blood or saliva. Perhaps even skin on skin contact could spread it so we request that you keep your distance." A certain red striped hand would raise in the room as to ask a question. "Yes America?" Un would say interested in what the other would have to ask. "So like- How did you come to the conclusion that it can spread when this is the first we have seen of it?" Ah a good question indeed and one that many in the room were now wondering themselves as they turned to UN and awaited his answer.

"Because-.. He isn't the first one.." Un would say with a hint of awkwardness in his voice. It was hard announcing something you have been keeping a secret from everyone for ages when they were all staring directly at you. "As you have all known, Estonia hasn't been able to come to any meetings for a while due to being off sick. Well the truth is that she is missing. According to Finland she turned into a giant monster much like we see here with Poland and then she ran off into the woods by her house. We believe she is in fact the first one to be infected by this and possibly the cause for Poland being infected by it now." Gasps and whispers erupted around the entire meeting table along with shocked and worried expressions.

A chair could be heard sliding grinding against the floor with a screech as UK stood up from his seat. "And when were you going to tell us about this if Poland hadn't turned into whatever THIS is???" Upon UK saying that many gave a sound of agreement. Why only now was UN telling them about such a thing? UN let out a sigh before attempting to explain himself. "I didn't want to cause a wide spread panic. We haven't seen ANYTHING like this before and i didn't want to risk anyone's first thought at solving this problem being to use weapons in a fit of panic.

We need to take this situation seriously and not-" He was cut off as the tv still playing behind the man began playing the sounds of loud screams. Turning to look back at the screen he could see everyone running and screaming even the ones carrying the live camera. As the camera shook one could just barely see the building that contained Poland going down behind the running camera man still recording the situation. Then from the dust of the collapsed hospital emerged Poland making his escape to the sky. It seemed the soldiers had lost control of the situation entirely and now everyone in the area was in a fit of mass panic as the enormous screeching monster flew above them and leaving the area. "Dear god.." The union whispered to himself before quickly turning back to the countries who had all just seen what was happening on the screen. "I'm calling for a lockdown of Europe. I need you to all keep your people at home safe and double the lookouts in your airspace. We need all eyes in the sky on the look out for these.. Monsters.. So we can catch the spread and put it to a stop."

A striped American hand would raise at the back of the room once more to ask a question. "So is the answer a no to quickly putting this to a stop with i don't know.. A couple tanks or even a missile perhaps? I like walking dead as much as the next guy but this isn't some average zombie virus like the movies." After America's question UN proceeded to give them a stern glare. "We will not solve this problem with violence. We will solve this by being smart and figuring out what this is so we can solve the issue with the least amount of suffering as possible. Do you understand?" America somewhat rolled his eyes at UN's stern words of course not that it could be seen through the darkened lenses of his glasses. "Fine." The American would stubbornly reply.

"Good! Now go! Start locking everything down. We have yet to know if this can spread to them as well." UN would say now seeming more confident in his plan to deal with the problem. All the countries in the room proceeded to start getting up from their chairs quickly grabbing their coats and whatever else they needed to collect before quickly leaving to go and assure the safety of their people. UN now alone still stood there in the now emptied room. "Finland i really hope you've managed to find her.. We don't need this problem getting worse then it already is.." The union would say to himself. Hopefully they could overcome whatever this situation was soon..


I'm sorry i really didn't know what to write for this chapter and anyone following me would know this chapter was delayed even further because i got sick and then i got sick again when the other sickness had barely left me so i was sick for pretty much a month and lost all motivation i had originally to write this page i am also a roleplayer on discord and have lots of writing to do there too as well as being an artist and trying to make sure i draw often enough for my skills not to go poof i am really all over the place with what i put my motivation towards so i'm not sure when the next chapter is going to come out but i think it's better to wait until i have the motivation to write something good rather then writing something sooner and having it really really bad. Also i know this chapter is short the next one will probably be more exciting when i start to write it as stuff starts to kick up a bit more.

Edit: There was a slight edit to the chapter as my dumb self failed to reread what i was writing and said the tv was turned off at a point but then it was just magically on for the next part.. ALWAYS RE READ AND CHECK THE ACCURACY OF YOUR STORIES GUYS DON'T BE LIKE ME.

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