Immortal feuds and reunited friends

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As all scheduled meetings were called off from all over, many countries had varied reactions. Some were happy with the spare time they were being given that they could now spend on hobbies or other activities and some wereeee- not so happy with the changes..
Such as UK who was now stuck at home forced to listen to his parents endless arguing only today it was particularly more heated.

"I'LL SHOW YOU FLAVOURLESS YOU UNGRATEFUL BAG OF BONES." A very angry Scotsman would yell before tossing a decorated china vase in Englands direction leaving it to shatter against the wall on impact. This was the result of England's petty complaints towards Scotland's' cooking. "HOW BLOODY DARE YOU! DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT VASE WAS WORTH?!" England would shout in response to the vase being smashed which belonged to him of course.

"OH SHUT YE YAPPING I KNOW YOU CAN JUST BUY YOURSELF A NEW ONE WITH ALL THAT MONEY YOU LEECH FROM EVERYONE!" The angry Scotsman shouted in return to which England gasped offendedly. Well this argument was going to go on for hours. UK had other ideas then standing out in the open when there were vases being thrown about. The British kingdom decided to pick a hiding place behind the sofa sitting himself down in the somewhat small space that still had enough leg room if he kept them folded. "God i'm going to get a headache from this.." The kingdom would say burying his face into his hands and sighing.

"Eh you'll be fine." Chimed in Wales of whom had gone unnoticed to UK during all the screaming. It turns out UK wasn't the only one to take up a place to hide when things started getting thrown. "Oh sorry- is this your hiding spot?" The kingdom would ask wondering if he should perhaps pick a different place to take cover. "Yea but it's no problem. Hey want a beer?" The Welshman offered as he reached underneath the sofa and pulled out two bottles he had kept hidden. Clearly Wales wasn't a newcomer to this hiding spot. The kingdom thought to himself for a moment and listened to the screaming in the background before answering Wales. "You know what, i do." The kingdom said taking a beer from the other. The two opened the bottles and drank away while starting a cheerful conversation with one another ignoring the chaos that continued in the background.

Meanwhile deep in the European forests..

The Finnish man was still journeying around the wilderness in search of his friend of whom he still had yet to so much as find a hint of and yet for some reason some feeling inside kept telling him to keep searching for a little longer. It was late in the day now and the environment around him grew dark only lit by the dim light of the moon trying to shine through the cloudy night sky. The country's only source of proper light right now was his lamp he carried which protected a small flame within its shell.

Not only was it dark but it was freezing too. Finland's pale white cheeks were turning a pinkish hue as the cold bit at his face. How nice it would be right now to sit in a sauna and warm himself up right now but he was still determined to find his friend. However. Someone else was starting to have other ideas.. Pippuri, Finland's reindeer had clearly had enough of the search and started refusing to move any further making it clear to Finland as she yanked on the lead. "Pippuri come on." The Finnish man said trying to encourage his reindeer to continue but of course she wasn't having it and decided to stay her ground. "Pippuri please!" Finland said getting a little frustrated with his reindeer's stubborn antics. "We need to continue looking for Estonia you can't just stop now." He'd say scolding the reindeer's behaviour as he continued to try pulling them along.

Then mid argument with the reindeer the sound of a stick snapping echoed from the darkness of the woods around them. This pretty much put an instant stop to the two's bickering as they turned to look in the direction of the sound. Raising his lamp Finland tried to get a better look into the darkness hesitant to move from the spot he was in. "Hello?! Who's there?!" The Finnish man shouted towards the silent darkness of the forest. Then from the dark of the trees came a glow of light. "Estonia?!" He's call out wondering if they were the cause for the light.

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