jealousy, jealousy

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there's a party at harry's place tonight. he's not the type who always goes to one let alone host one, but niall—his best mate—insisted that the party be held at his place because harry never hosts it and if the party is at his place then niall wouldn't have a hard time convincing him to go (like he always does) because he's already there.

"you never come to my house parties so i thought it'd be nice if i bring the party to you," niall smugly says, making harry roll his eyes.

"yes, and for a good reason! they're always too loud and that makes my head ache. plus, people always end up breaking shit," harry comments.

"look, just this one time! i promise i'll make sure you have a good time,"

"fine, but if someone breaks something i'm kicking everyone out." harry groans in agreement and niall nods, smirking in victory.

and now there they are, with harry's house full of strangers, like it usually is when niall hosts the party. his house is also starting to look like a frat house. there are drinks spilled on the ground, food splattered all over his kitchen counter, people making out at his couch, and the music is too goddamn loud. harry thinks he's too old for this, he's in his late 20's for god's sake. who in their right mind would throw such a chaotic party? right–only niall. harry hates the loud and messy parties he always throws, but he loves him like a brother so he lets him.

thank god nothing is broken–yet. he's sure that at some point during the night something will break. and he's adding that to his list of things that niall owes him.

niall made a promise that he's going to be enjoying the night but that is far from what's actually happening. he's just currently roaming around the place making sure that no one breaks his stuff and that no one goes into his room to have sex. he locked the door but you can't be too sure with these people. they'll do anything and break into anywhere to have sex because they think it's 'exciting.'

"there you are! i've been looking everywhere for you! i want to introduce you to someone. this is carol." niall puts a hand on his shoulder to stop him from going anywhere. he is then faced with a blonde woman, who's probably around his age.

"hi, it's nice to meet you. niall has told me a lot about you." carol holds out her hand for him to shake and he does.

"well, i'll leave you two to be acquainted." niall winks at harry and then he's gone.

harry's not interested in talking to anyone so he just nods at everything carol says. she talked about her job, where she's from, her plans for the future, etc etc. it's not that she's not attractive, because she is. it's just that he's not attracted to her. he then started to tune her out when she wouldn't stop talking about herself.

and that's when he sees her. she's standing with niall and some other guy he's never seen before. she looks pretty in her white bodycon mini dress. she looks sweet, flirty, and fierce—like always—as she stands there with a red cup in hand. he didn't know niall invited her, but he should have known she'd come since the three of them are really close friends.

from what harry can see, it looks like the trio are engaged in a conversation. the stranger has his arm around her shoulder, then he bends down slightly to whisper something into her ear that makes her laugh. and that makes his blood boil. how dare he put his hands on her and how dare she let him?

"and that's basically my story. so what about you, harry? tell me about yourself," carol's mention of his name snaps him out of his thoughts and he turns to look at her.

"oh, uh, hmm...carol, i'm sure you're a great girl and i'm sure you'll find someone here tonight. but i'm so sorry, i've gotta go." he spares her an apologetic look before standing up and making his way to his friends–and that dickhead who's got his arm wrapped around his girl.

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