read with kindness

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THIS BOOK CONTAINS MATURE CONTENT. by mature content i mean SEX and explicit language that are not suitable for young audiences. this is your only warning. i am not going to put warnings before the start of each chapter because you know what you're getting into if you're here and you know these things get kinky so read at your own risk! if you can't handle that or you don't like reading those then i am asking you to exit this book with kindness :)

also, everything in this book is fictional. the characters are fictional and the harry in this book has no relation to the real life harry styles. therefore, everything harry says and does on this book does not reflect who he is in real life.

enjoy, B

p.s. i'm on twitter if you care! my username is @stylesbuckynat

SENSATIONSNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ