never have i ever

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it was a rainy night and it would be hard for jo to get home since she doesn't have a car and she didn't bring an umbrella with her so she just decided to stay over time at the firm she works at. she's working on a case anyway. it's about a woman who was sexually assaulted when she was 15 but didn't want to come forward before. she's currently going over some records she got from her client and reading through it so she can build a solid case. she's looking over files in order to prove that her client physically and psychologically suffered. she's reading through everything and writing down important notes when suddenly she hears the loudest thunder she's ever heard. the lights shut off. it was a blackout.

"fuck." she mutters under her breath. she blindly searches for her phone in the dark and once she feels it she grabs it and turns it on. she sees that her battery is only at 10% and she curses once again. she always seems to forget to charge her phone because she's not on it much due to her being too busy working.

she turns on her flashlight and gets up from her desk to search for the firm's generator. she's never had to turn it on herself before because electricity never really ran out when she's working but it seems she's the only person there right now so she has to do things on her own.

on her way to the mechanical room she bumps into someone. a loud gasp escapes her mouth. it's not new that someone stays over time but she was still shocked that someone was there with her because she thought she was alone all this time.

she brings her hand up, the one that's holding her phone, in order to get a good glimpse as to who she bumped into. she swallows hard when she sees who it is. it was one of the name partners at the firm. he's a pretty big deal and is dubbed the best closer in town.

"s-sorry." jo stutters.

"'s fine, love." harry responds with a smile.

jo has never really talked to harry before but she sees him around the firm everyday. she finds him really attractive and now that she's seeing him up close she can't help but admire his features. the flashlight from her phone makes it possible for her to see that his eyes are a shade of green that she thinks she could get lost in. his lips are pink and his jaw is sharp. he's very very attractive. jo can't help but think god has favorites.

"where are you off to, love?" he asks, raising a brow.

"o-oh, i was just on my way to the, uhm, the mechanical room..." she trails off because harry cut through her words by speaking.

"don't sweat it, love. i've been there. generator's broken." harry sighs.

"oh, o-okay." jo doesn't know why she's so nervous. maybe it's because harry looks intimidating and the fact that he's one of the best lawyers she knows of and she doesn't really compare to him. she's only ever won a few cases but she's only starting her career anyway. she's also heard stories about him not really being that friendly but he's not really hostile either. and maybe it's the fact that she's in the presence of a beautiful man and she doesn't know how to act.

"were you working over time?" harry questions and jo nods.

"were you?" this time she's the one to ask.

"yeah, i'm going home now, though. power's out and i can't do much without it on. it's probably going to be back tomorrow. do you want me to drop you off?" jo is caught off guard. she wasn't expecting him to offer her a ride home since they barely know each other.

"n-no, i'm fine. i think i'll stay, work on the case and stuff." she declines his offer. she knew in her heart she really wanted to but she's not one to get into cars of people she knew nothing about. plus, she really wants to keep working on her client's case.

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