Chapter Fourteen

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**Author's note**
Hey everyone. First off want to apologize for not updating for a while. I had to deal with some family issues, which caused a huge impact on my mental health. But I've decided that I'm not going to be miserable anymore and continue doing the things I love, like writing. Also, I would like to thank all who read and support this story. All your comments and views mean a lot to me. Now, onto the reason why you're here. I hope you enjoy this chapter! I haven't written any Merlin stories in a while, so it might start out a bit slow. My apologies.

~~Gwaine's POV~~


"Shut up, you idiot. Merlin is exhausted. You're going to wake him."

"Right. My bad."

Was all that destruction Merin? I could've used him ages ago to get out of taverns when a drunk decided that they were having a bad day and wanted to take it out on me because I said a joke about their arm size or lack thereof.

"Sire, what about Morgana and her army?"

This is why Leon is the smart one here. He knows the important questions.

A grave look shadows the highness's face as he gives Merlin a quick glance.

"They will no longer be a problem. And don't bring Morgana again around Merlin."

"Awe. Is his royal highness protecting his Merlin?"

Yeah yeah, that was probably not the right thing to say. It just felt right to say.

"I swear to every high priestess that has ever walked this earth if you say one more thing, I will put you in the stocks until your hair grows grey."

Got it. Merlin is a no no subject.

"Sire, we should be heading back to camp. The sun is beginning to rise."

"You're right Percival. We should be heading back. Elyan, start packing up the tent. Gwaine, get the horses ready. Actually, Gwaine you go fully sober up. Leon, you get the horses ready. I'll stay with Merlin."

"Yes, sire."

Me? Drunk? Never. It takes a lot more than a little mead to get me drunk. But at least that's one less thing I'll have to do.

Poor Merlin. I wish he could've told me he was this powerful.

Well, now that I know, life in Camelot will never be dull!

~~Arthur's POV~~

As we're all walking back to camp, I can feel the small breaths of Merlin upon my shoulder.

At first, I was hesitant about what I should do with Merlin. He is a sorcerer. Sorcerers are evil.

But Merlin isn't evil. He is Merlin, the purest thing to ever walk this earth.

I will protect Merlin with my life. He will live his life in Camelot, with me, and never have to worry about anything, besides doing his chores.

My father will never learn Merlin's secret.


I look down to see Merlin looking back at me with sleepy eyes.

"Shh. Go back to sleep. We'll be home soon enough."

Closing his eyes and tucking his head into my neck, Merlin quickly falls back asleep.

And I was told that I wasn't good with children. Hmph. When Merlin finally becomes old, older, I can finally tell him that a child likes me, even if it was just him.

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