Chapter Eleven

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~~Bandit's POV~~

I keep my head down as I walk towards her. I've seen what happens to those who upset her. They never return.

"I hope you have reliable information for me. I wouldn't want you to disappoint me."

I look up at her. She's dressed in black, contrasting her pale skin, sitting on her black throne. A beauty she is.

"Yes, my lady. My people were able to locate him."

"And, where is he?"

"He is a days worth ride away from Camelot, south. But, the boy wasn't there."

Her vicious smile turns into a frown and her eyebrows crease.

"No. The boy is always there. Tell me, who was there?"

"There was him, the four knights, and a young boy."

At the last part, her frown turns to curiosity.

"A young boy?"

"Yes. Around four summers old. He fit the description perfectly of the boy."

Her confused face turns back into one of wickedness.

"Continue with the plan. Bring me the boy."

"Of course, Lady Morgana."

~~Merlin's POV~~


I slowly open my eyes and look around.

I'm still laying next to Arthur and it's really dark. Arthur had an arm wrapped around me and I'm snuggled up to his chest. All of the other knights are also sleeping.


The voice sounds like it's in my head.


Compared to the powerful voice I hear, my voice sounds tiny. But it's not because mother said I'm a big boy.

"Merlin. Come to me."

I look around, but still don't see anybody.

"I don't see you."

"You know the way. Follow your instinct."

"What is instink?"

"Go in the direction that calls out to you."


He still never told me what that word means. I guess I will ask Arthur in the morning.

I carefully get out of Arthur's grip, like I do with mother and look around again.

I begin walking in a random direction and the voice calls out again.

"Not that way. Go left and walk straight."

Oh no. Mother always tries to show me the difference between left and right but I can never get it.

I choose a random direction and it sounds like the voice is sighing at me.

"No Merlin. The other left."

"Oh. Okay. Thank you!"

Excited to see who this voice is, I start running in the left direction. The trees get thinner and thinner until it's just an open field.

Excitedly, I look around and don't see anybody. That is until I hear something really big flap it's wings above me.

Looking up, I see something really big fly and land next to me on the field. My mouth opens up in shock as I realize what it is.

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