Chapter Three

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~~Arthur's POV~~

"Rise and shine you royal prat!"

No. I can't be woken up now. It's too early. It has to be too early. After I woke up last night, I barely got any sleep. I'm still trying to figure out who set up the prank from last night. Of course I believe Merlin may have some part in it. But, he denied it and I have no proof that it was him. 

"Hmmmm. I don't want to get up. Five more minutes."

I hear Merlin being walking closer to my bed. 

"Come on Arthur."

He begins pulling on my blankets.

"You have breakfast with your father, then training with the knights, and also, another servant gave me some papers from your father for you to look over. I think it has something to do with you finding a bride."

Ugh. I just wish my father would leave me alone with finding a bride. And it's not like I get the final choice. The final choice goes to my father who decides based on which kingdom benefits us the most. 

"Can't you tell my father I can't do breakfast with him this morning?"

"You already didn't show up for dinner last night. Do you really want to see what happens if you call off breakfast?"

Thump. I fall straight onto the floor. I'm all tangled up in my blankets.

"Merlin! I was getting up. You didn't have to keep pulling on my blankets!"

"Sorry sire. I was just giving you extra motivation to get up. You don't want somebody to walk in and start a rumor that the crowned prince sleeps on the floor, do you?"

Looking around, I see a shoe right by me. I grab it and chuck it at my idiotic manservant. Lucky bastard ducked in time. He's getting better. 

"You know, you wouldn't last a day without me. For how much you like to throw your stuff around, you wouldn't be able to walk to your bed if I weren't here."

"I should fire you and actually get somebody useful. You spend most of your time in the tavern anyways."

"But, I always get my chores done."

He is right on that. But, I'll never tell him that.

"You do a half ass job at it. Now, where are my clothes?"

"I do a perfectly good job at my chores. And they're right on your bed."

I walk over by my bed and I take off my shirt. Then, I bend down and stick my arms out, waiting for Merlin to put on my shirt. 

As Merlin is pulling down my shirt, suddenly feel a sharp pain go from my chest to my stomach. 

"Merlin, what the bloody hell is that?"

"Oh, sorry Arthur. Gaius gave me a ring and it must of cut you. My deepest apologies."

That sarcastic ass. 

"I never want to see you wear that ring during the day. You could cut somebody else with that who would see you whipped for cutting them."

"And you aren't mad?"

I smile to myself and smack the backside of this head.

"Ow! Was that really necessary Arthur?"

"Your punishment for cutting the crowned prince. Now, I expect you to use proper titles for the rest of the day as the second part of your punishment."

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