Chapter Two

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~~Arthur's POV~~

"King Arthur, are you sure this is the correct way to approach this battle?"

Doubt. That is the only thing I can hear. Doubt. Am I doing the right thing? No, I have to be. I've been trained all my life for something like this.

"Yes, I'm sure this battle format with give us the best advantage to defeat our enemies."

"But sire..."

"I don't wish to be questioned on my decisions. I am your king and you shall respect me."

"Yes sire."

Why am I being so harsh to him? He was just trying to give me advice.

No, I am the king and I shouldn't be questioned. I know what is best for Camelot.

I hear the doors being thrown open and I look up to see a worried servant.

"Sire, you must come look outside."

How dare this servant tell me what to do! I am the king and he shouldn't be telling me what I must do. I'll punish him later.

I quickly get up and begin running to the direction of the courtyard. What could be so important that the servant decided to disturb me during a meeting?

When I look out to the courtyard, I see the last thing I expect to see.

I can see every person I care about laying in the courtyard.....dead....

No. No. NO. NO NO NO NO NO!!!!! This can't be happening.

I feel my breathing quicken and tears fill my eyes.

This isn't real. This can't be real.

Gwaine, Percival, Leon, Elyan, Lancelot, Guinevere, my father, Gaius, childern, mothers, fathers.

Wait, where's Merlin?

Maybe he's alright. Maybe he survived.

"I didn't"

I hear a voice behind me. I quickly turn around to see Merlin standing there.

I can't believe what I'm seeing.

Merlin is standing there with a mixture of dirt, sweat, and blood all over him.

But, the thing that catches my eye is the sword sticking out of his chest.

"Merlin! Who did this to you?"

The tears are now freely flowing down my face with no intention to stop them.

"Why did you do this? Why couldn't you listen?"

"Merlin please listen to me. I would never hurt you!"

I find myself begin to start yelling. Why would Merlin ever think I would hurt him?

"I thought we were friends. I guess I was nothing more than a servant to you."

"No Merlin you are my best friend!"

Merlin, completely ignoring my pleading continued, stone faced.

"Is this the kind of king you wish to become? Is this what you want to be responsible for?"

"NO! This must be a dream. I would NEVER hurt my friends. They can't be dead."

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