Chapter Four

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~~Arthur's POV~~

I don't know if I'm cursed or if somebody just really hates me because so far, my day has been absolute trash. And it even isn't midday yet.

Firstly, I have a nightmare and wake up to frogs in my bed and my blankets tied up to make a net. Secondly, Merlin wakes me up way too early. Thirdly, I fall asleep at the breakfast table. Afterwards, my father catches me sleeping. Then, my food is way too salty and my father forces me to eat it all while listening to him ramble about nonsense all breakfast. After that, I walk into training in a blindfold with pink armor. My father then puts Merlin in the stocks for whatever what. Now, I'm laying face first in horse feces contemplating my life.  

I don't even know how I ended up in this situation I'm in. During training, I was told that Merlin was put in the stocks by my father, which isn't surprising, and that he would be let out at the end of training. So, after training, I asked Gwaine where Merlin is. I know that Gwaine and Merlin are close, so out of everybody, he would know where Merlin is.

Gwaine told me that Merlin mentioned how he needed to muck out the stables and since he was put into the stocks, Merlin would probably be in the stables now.

So, naturally, I went to the stables to see if Merlin was there. I walk through the door, trip on something, and now I'm face first in horse feces.


I look up to see Merlin standing there, with a smile on his face and his eyebrows raised. Quickly, I stand up and point a shaky finger towards Merlin.

"If I hear you say one word about this to anybody..."

Merlin does an exaggerated gasp, puts his hand on his heart, and has a hurt look on his face.

"Sire, I would never do anything to embarrass you like that."

It's like he knows I can hear the sarcasm drip off of every word he says. 

"Just get me something to clean my face off with."

"Of course, sire."

Knowing that Merlin is purposely trying to sound sincere, he is going to do something that he knows will get him in trouble for.

I watch him leave and shut the door behind him. Now how am I-


I am going to murder that bastard. I swear on my life I will kill him.

In the distance, I can here Gwaine shouting.


I go to run, but at that exact moment, the doors slam open and I see a group of knights standing there, with Gwaine up front.

"Wow, Merls wasn't lying when he said your face was covered in horse shit. How'd you do that one princess?"

I can feel my face turning red with embarrassment. Why would Merlin set me up in a position where he knows I get embarrassed quickly? All I know is, payback is a bitch.

I cover my face as best as I can with my hands and I run. I run as fast as I can. Actually, I think I'm running faster then that. I run straight to my chambers, where luckily nobody is there.

Well, nobody but my idiot manservant.

"Merlin, you have some explaining to do."

My manservant quickly turns around and gives me a small smile.

"I thought you wouldn't mind. It's only an innocent joke. I'm sure by tomorrow's time, everybody would have forgotten all about it."

"Get out. Now."

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