𝙱𝚎𝚝𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚞𝚜 𝚝𝚠𝚘

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I wake up on Trevor chest he was already woke "sorry you was waiting on me to get up" he shook his head.

"I don't know what I was thinking my cousin can tell my mother at anytime and she is going to tell your mother so we can't do this".

I raise a eyebrow "well the deed is already done to late now you did everything" he gets off the bed. "I know" he paused.

"You have to leave" I get off the bed "are you seriously kicking me out?" He nodded taking a deep breath.

"I lied to my mother just for you to kick me out what kind of person are you?" He looks away. "You have to go please leave" I scoff.

"I don't get it one night you like me then next you don't even like me" I take the necklace off. "Keep the necklace" I threw it on the bed.

"I gave it to you you can keep I don't want it" I bite my lip. "I don't want it either just keep it or throw it away" I threw my bag out the window.

"I'm sorry Ki" he grabs my arm "obviously your not sorry if you can kick me out without having regret" I snatch my arm away.

"Can you not tell anybody about the date? Like keep it between us" I go outside the window. "Your such a asshole" I climb down the letter.

I walk to Simone house hoping James will be gone I really have to tell Simone about what just happened.

I knock on the door "who is it?" Simone asked "me" she opens the door "hey girl" she hugs me. "Hey" I hug her back coming inside the house.

"What happened?" I sat down on the couch "the date went well and all but this morning the motherfucker kicked me out".

"You stayed over his house?!" I nodded "yea he even gave me a necklace I really thought he liked me". "Maybe he was mad you didn't have sex with him".

I mean he took me on a date he gave me something really nice what guys expect in return is sex. Name a guy who doesn't want sex at all. I'm waiting right.

"You may be right" she nodded and hugs me "it's ok I knew Owen was the one" I shook my head. "I'm still not getting with Owen I'm staying away from the Carter's brothers".

"Awe you lame" I smiled at her she smiled at me back squeezing me. "Ok that's enough but what about your special night?".

"We had sex" she said all happy then smiled "congratulations you lost your virginity" I hug her. "He was all gentle and shit it still kind of hurt but it healed".

"Glad he was gentle guys like it rough for some reason" she laughs. "I think me and James are really in love Ki".

"Good cause I would break him if he didn't love you" we both smiled. "Block Trevor he clearly is stupid and don't deserve you".

I block Trevor he was selfish anyway but me things just to sleep with me is completely evil. "I'm surprised your not reading a book".

"I'm reading a book trust me it's in my bag" she laughs "you are a nerd". "And you are a hoe" she pushes my shoulder.

"I love you Simone" I look up at her "I love you too Ki" she kisses my forehead. We begin to have a romance movie marathon.

One thing about me and Simone we love romance movies like who could not. They are so interesting especially unexpected couples.

"What are you doing after James leave?" I question her. "Be in a long distance relationship" I nodded "happy for you both even though I hate him".

She laughs "let's not forget he is my boyfriend you don't have to like him but at least be nice to him sometimes".

"I rather date Owen then ever be nice to that boy" she ignores me and watch tv. We fell asleep in half of the movie of  after we collided.

I woke up in Simone arms I begin to go on my phone. No text messages no calls no anything I get up off Simone.

"Simone" I called out her name waking her up "I have to go bye" she moaned I knew she meant ok. I kissed her forehead grab my bag and leave the house.

I walk home running into a white girl she was like a inches taller then me. "Sorry" she laughed "no I'm sorry" I smiled.

She had black hair when I say she was beautiful I mean to die for beautiful. "Your new here?" She shook her head.

"This is actually my home town I just moved when I was 8 so people probably don't know me" I nodded. "Well welcome back to the neighbor" I shook her hand.

"I'm Cassidy" I nodded "I'm Kiara but you can call me Ki". "Well since you said that you can call me cass".

"Well I will have to ask you for a favor" I looked up at her. "Yea sure what is it?" She pulls out her phone "this map on my phone not telling me where George Miller High School is I really have to get my uniform today".

"I can show you I actually go there" she smiled "oh wow that's nice at least I have a friend going into the new school" I smiled right back at her.

"Ok let's go it's just this way" I walk off and she followed me. "So Ki is there any cute looking boys in this town ".

"There are some but I don't recommend them they are all assholes" she drinks her coffee. "Oh just my type" we both laugh at her joke.

"So are you a cheerleader?" I shook my head "I can't dance I read a lot tho" she nodded. "Good cause I hate cheerleaders they are such bitches".

"That my friend I could agree with" we both giggle as we enter George Miller High School doors.

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