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"Simone baby when are you going to tell your friend that she is dating the enemy?" He groans. "You are the enemy James".

"No Marcus is he plays for the team that is against your team you don't think he is the enemy" I roll my eyes.

"Dating the enemy is like you telling Ursula where Ariel is even though that is your friend ". "Whatever James shouldn't you be worrying about something else that's important".

"I am would you mind your business anyways baby I have to go bye" he kisses her then leave. "Me and Marcus not dating yet".

"Ok I didn't ask but thanks for telling me" she smiled "how's the baby?" She touched her stomach. "Good stomach starting to get big".

"So y'all thought about what y'all going to do about the baby?"  She frowns. "We didn't talk about it you know it's scary we never did this before".

"You'll have to talk about it soon"  I go inside my locker "Cass is coming she said her and Trevor talked".

I look up at Cassidy "hey" we both say to her "hey" she smiled at us. "What?" Simone says smiling at her "it's official me and Trevor are dating".

"Congratulations you finally dating a boy from George Miller high school" Simone says. "Thank you" I smile at her.

"Congratulations" she nodded "thank you" she goes to her locker "but I can't believe it tho he is totally this fine ass guy and I'm just a girl".

We both look at her "your not a girl baby your a beautiful ass woman who can pull men" she smile. "I got to head to class so bye" Simone leaves.

"Ready?" I nodded my head we both walk to class "ok class we are reading a few chapters today because other classes are testing".

"We already took our test on Friday so we are reading but you guys are reading on your own". Stuck in the same classroom for 8 hours is not a good day.

"And no you can't read together we are not reading for nobody" some people groans. "If y'all can't read just say that" some student say.

"Would you mind your business for once?" Another student say I begin to read. "We have a game on Friday we suppose to be practicing mr.Moore".

"Aw you do who is it against?" He sat on the desk "the cheetahs" that is Marcus school. "That's good even though I don't care now get to reading boy".

He groans and read his book everybody seems to be focus on another thing. Usually when we read they only care about the book.

"Heyy" Cass says as she sit at the lunch table "hey" me and Simone both say. "I'm going over Trevor house to meet his family".

"That's good baby" Simone smile at her "any tips?" she nervously smiled both of us. "Don't cuss or wear short clothing" Simone says.

"Don't go up to his room no matter what he say" I say she nodded. "Thank y'all so much I'm so glad I have you guys on my life".

She hugs me then Simone "also don't forget to tell us how it goes tomorrow". "It's so lovely of him to make sure his mother approve before y'all start getting into a relationship relationship".

"No it's so lovely to have a boyfriend who wants a baby and who isn't immature" Simone posed like she was getting praised.

"Well that's what you get when you date the best George Miller High School football player" I gag. "I see you hating you and your boo not even official yet".

"Good cause I don't want anybody bragging about me lying" she roll her eyes. "Ok fuck you bitch" we all burst out in laughter.

"I don't even have to brag about my baby he might of made a little mistake but he is perfect in my eyes".

"A little?" She nodded "a little bitch you heard me" I laugh. "Happy for you I'm having a niece on the way so I'm happy if your happy".

"Ok it's time to go to class back to testing I go bye guys" Simone gets up and leave "let's go mr.Moore is waiting on us".

We smile at each other and walk to class "I think English is my favorite subject" I look at her. "Why do you think we barely do shit in there?".

"That's exactly the point" I nodded "smart girl but it's not the best at all" she laughs. We separate and go to our seats.

"Congratulations I heard you and Cassidy made ur official today" I smile at Trevor. "Um thank you" in nodded "your welcome".

My phone beings to vibrate on the side of my leg I take it out my pocket and check it.

Marcus: "hey my teammates are having a party I was wondering can you come?".

Kiara: "yea I go I hope your teammates like me and not kick me out".

He sent a smiley face a emoji I smile and place my phone back into my pocket.

Marcus: "oh I forgot it's on Friday after the football game".

Kiara: "ok thanks for telling me".

Well I know that I'm busy on Friday the whole day so no father house no nothing but drugs and drinks. But not for me I don't drink .... like that.

"So Friday plans go" Simone say "a party" she looks at me. "A party?" I nodded "who's party cause I didn't see it on Instagram on anything?".

"Marcus teams party" I look at her "seriously? You barely know those people and your going there alone".

"I know Marcus" I smirk "yea whatever stay safe or bring somebody with you just in case". "I will can it be you?" She shook her head.

"You do realize I'm a month pregnant I can't party like I use too" I groans. "That baby destroying everything but I still love you whatever gender you is".

"Ask Cassidy or somebody I have to head home" I nodded and hugged her. "Bye Simone" I say as she walked away "bye".

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