𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚛𝚎𝚝 𝚒𝚜 𝚘𝚞𝚝

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"Meet me in the janitor closet"


"Because I need to talk to you"


Few minutes later Trevor comes in "what the fuck?" I say "what?" He sits down on a desk. "You telling Owen about the date you said we should keep private what the fuck happened?".

"He saw your dress that you wore to the restaurant in my room in the closet" I groan. "You didn't think to return it to me before anybody get to see it".

"I found it on Saturday you was at your fathers" I put my hand on my forehead. "It's ok he is not going to tell anybody".

"It's not ok he could blackmail me or something you know how wrong he could do me". "It's going to be fine just don't think about it".

He goes to the door "ok?" "Ok" he leaves out the room "today is not a good day". I leave out the janitor closet.

"Hey girl where you come from?" Simone asked I hugged her she hug me back "bathroom". I hug Cass "so I ran into this cute boy you know him Trevor".

"You like him?" She nodded "a lot is he dating anyone?" Simone responds before me "no but Ki and him talked".

"Oh" I look at Simone "no it's good he yours" she looks at me. "Well do you mind if I invite him to the haunted house?".

"I don't mind" I lied it's really weird imagine the boy you kissed is dating your friend". "Everything will be fine Kiara ok" I thought to myself.

"Ok I have to head to class" Cass say before she leaves shortly after that Simone leave. I got my books from my locker and rush to class.

I go to my seat "I'm sorry about Sunday dinner I didn't tell you earlier". "It's fine I don't care you can't control what your brother says".

"Ok I'm just trying to see if we are still cool" I nodded "your not the problem". "Ok take out your books guys".

We all begin to read the book.

I walk home my mother was home already "what happened?" I thought to myself. I open the door my mother was mad I could tell her face was red.

"Hey mom" I close the door behind me and raise a eyebrow. "A fucking date?!" She yelled "mom I'm sorry just let me explain".

I can't believe Owen told my mother I get that your mad but telling my mother. Why does everything have to happen to me?

"You are underage little girl and you go on a date and then go to his home and sleep with him" I shook my head.

"I didn't sleep with him I just changed my clothes" she breaths out. "You lied to me and you expect me to believe that".

"See I dealt with enough shit you knew what that boy was up to why if your pregnant now?" She puts her hand on her hip.

"I'm not pregnant I'm still a virgin" I say "I don't want you near that boy and I'm telling your father". My mouth fucking dropped.

"Wait? What? What do you mean you don't have to tell him I understand take my phone whatever just don't tell him".

"I'm telling him and I take the phone" she snatched my phone from my hand. "Please don't tell him I'm begging you" I cried out.

"You should of never went on a date with that boy even if you didn't have sex there's a such thing called peer pressure".

"He is not that kind of guy" I say "what kind of guy is he then? I smell bad news you father was just like him how do you think I got pregnant?".

"I'm telling your father and that's final" she goes upstairs. I take deep breaths them goes to my room I shut the door.

I look at Trevor window the lights was off and the room seem empty. I go out my window which was pretty safe.

"Trevor?" I whispered through his window he didn't seem to hear me. "Trevor" I said again then a body comes.

"Don't you have some homework to do?" I shake my head. "Free from homework" I paused and smiled "um can we talk?".

"Sure" he leaves out the window few minutes later walking towards me. "Hi" I say "hey Kiara why?" I bite my lip "I'm in deep shit".

"What do you mean your in deep shit?" I go closer to him "like Owen telling my mother that we went on a date".

"What?" I nodded "she said she is going to tell my father he might make me move or something". "He is not going to make you move just calm down".

"You don't know I dealt with that man since I was born I know how he is" he looks at me. "So what do we do?" I shrug my shoulders.

"I'm scared I don't know what to do or I can't say anything because if I talk I might say something else".

He hugs me "thank you for being here" I hug him back. "No problem" we look each other "do you want your dress?" I shook my head.

"Throw it away it will cause so much drama" he nodded "imma talk to Owen". "Please don't fight him just talk to him".

"Ok" he said as he nodded "goodnight" he walks away "goodnight" I walk home. My mother was already asleep.

I go up to my room grabbed the book and starts to read it I really love this book it calms me. And it's a romance book what something something romantic makes you happy.

Like sad movies suppose to make you feel happy after you realize you are different. I fell asleep in the middle of reading a page.

Moral of the story boys talk to much so somethings you have to keep the secret a secret thank you.

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