Chapter 6 - Ringo

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I was on my way home from work. It was a Friday night and I sat on the bus talking to one of my friends, in fact my only friend. Her name is Hannah and we have been friends for almost two years now, we first met when I started to work as a waitress and we got along really well. It was dark outside as I walked from the bus station to my apartment.                

I walked up the stairs and saw a person sleeping outside my door. First I got frightened but then I recognized the large neb and his face.. It was Ringo. I walked towards him and poked him on the shoulder trying to wake him up. He opened his eyes and started to smile. ” Hahahaha oh there you are, finally! I have waiting here for hours. Do you remember me? “ Yes, yes I do. You are Ringo, right? “Yes oh you remember me! How lucky am I?” hahah do you want to come in?  “Yes, as long as I´m not disturbing I mean it´s late” No, no come in, I want to hear all about Paris! “oh okay” He stood up and walked with me indoors.

So what did you guys do in Paris? I asked meanwhile giving him a cup of tea. “well we played a few concerts and stuff” oh so how did it go, was it a big crowd? He looked a bit strange at me while I asked the last part but he later turned on a smile and answered happily “yes, yes it came some people and it was a very nice gig, What have you been doing then?” oh nothing really..I sat down in front of him. He looked down on the table and saw the two letters I put there some days ago, the one letter from him and the bill reminder. I didn’t want him to see them (and get to know that I´m broke) so I tried to quickly hide them away but before I managed to grab them he took the bill reminder and started to read it. I tried to take it away from him but I couldn’t. He looked at me very seriously, so seriously I almost got scared. He asked with a deep and controlled voice “do you have trouble paying your bills?” give me the letter back, and that’s none of your business I answered short. He took a deep breath and looked into my eyes “I want to be you friend you know, and friends don’t have secrets, I can help you”  Yeah, really? How? You can’t give away your money, well I´m not going to accept any money from you even if you had millions. It´s just so hard, I can’t get another job! I started to feel my eyes burn. He stood up walking towards me and leaned in and hugged me. “Don´t start to cry. I will help you okay, trust me” Oh I´m so sorry for this I said wiping my tears and looked at him. “nah, don´t be, it happens to all of us. I really need to sleep now. Can I see you tomorrow after lunch?” yes of course just knock on the door I´ll be here. We said goodnight and I went to sleep.

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