Chapter 10 -I don't wanna spoil the party

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After the dinner we all took the bus home to Ringo´s and mine apartment. We all sat in the living room and John went into the kitchen to get some beers. We all sat there having fun and George was playing the guitar. I asked him to teach me some chords, so he did.

 It was now in the middle of the night and Ringo was asleep on the sofa. John and Paul sat in the kitchen and George had gone home. I went in to the kitchen and asked what they were doing. John answered they were writing some lyrics to a new song. Oh can I hear? I asked excitedly. Paul and John looked at each other and nodded their heads. “But don’t tell anyone you’ve seen the lyrics, okay? And it’s not finished yet”. I promised and sat down on one of the chairs. John handed me a paper. I started to read his sprawling handwriting.

If she turns up while I'm gone please let me know.

I've had a drink or two and I don't care,

There's no fun in what I do if she's not there,

I wonder what went wrong I've waited far too long,

I think I'll take a walk and look for her.

Though tonight she's made me sad,

I still love her,

If I find her I'll be glad,

I still love her.

Wow!! This is good! I´ve a feeling you will make it big. The both of them started to laugh. Paul said “Oh you really live under a rock don´t you?” John said “Ringo don’t tell you anything?” I shook my head and got very confused. What are you two talking about? “Ummm, nothing we´ll tell you some other day. They played me a song called “She loves you” before they went home. The song was really catchy! Ringo was still asleep on the sofa, so I took his bed and fall asleep instantly.

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