Settling In

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Raggedy Andy took his hat off to you. He seemed generally disinterested in your welcome and just you as a whole, but you decided to make an effort. You lifted your dress and did a small curtsy to him, a tiny smirk visible on your stitched lips.

Andy did a small judgmental chuckle at you before parting from you and the group. 'So, he's gonna be like that, huh? Well, fine. I'll just put in all the more effort!' You thought, determined by an unknown want to befriend all of the playroom toys.

Raggedy Ann watched him go, a disappointed frown wore her face. "Andrew-.." She half-called after him, knowing that he wouldn't listen to her but still somewhat wanting to try. She turned to you, a bit worried you'd get the wrong idea about her brother. "Oh, I'm sorry, dear. He's always like this to new dolls. I don't know why.. he really is such a kind person when you get to know him!" Ann explained, trying to cover on her brother's behalf for his rude behavior.

"It's quite alright, really- I'm sure he'll warm up to me eventually!" You boasted, hands on your hips with a smile, mostly just wanting to make Raggedy Ann feel relief and wanting to convince yourself that you could befriend such a boy who seems so adamant on not cutting slack for anyone. You sighed, knowing that this was going to take a lotta mental power on your part. You peeked your head to the left of Ann's in the direction Andy went, and saw his orange yarn hair from behind a wooden rocking-chair. He was sulking. You remembered that the rocking-chair was where Raggedy Ann sat while Marcella was in the room.

"So (Y/N), where did you live before Marcella picked you up?" A round toy named Maxi-Fixit questioned you. "I lived in a toy store in the mall. It wasn't the best- it was always crowded so I couldn't ever move! Lots of kids would always gather around me and touch my face, hands, whatever they could get their hands on," you shivered, grossed out at the countless memories of children constantly touching your fabrics. "Oh dear. That sounds exasperating!" You heard Susie Pincushion say. "-But now you're here with us!" Topsy replied, doing cartwheels and flips along the floor. You (chuckled/giggled) to yourself, knowing that this was indeed a place where you were welcome. You took one last peak over to the left at the rocking-chair, and to your surprise, you saw Raggedy Andy observing you and taking note of the scene. Your button eyes met, but as soon as they did, his widened and he instantly turned away, pouting. 'I swear, this doll's gonna be the end of me.'

You walked peacefully, Raggedy Ann in front of you. Raggedy Andy was nowhere in sight. Ann was showing you around the playroom to make you feel more at home here. "See, there's the piano! We like to sing a lot together, so I'm sure that'll be used quite frequently!" Raggedy Ann giggled, secretly overjoyed that she had someone new to explain the common interests of the playroom to. "Do you like singing, (Y/N)?" "(Oh, yes! Singing is always a good past-time for me!/I don't sing very much, but it sounds nice!/I don't really sing, but I look forward to hearing you!)" Ann smiled at you, nodding knowingly. She led you all around the room, even explained that if you need somewhere to think or be alone that the windowsill is a great option. "..-But please, don't ever feel like you can't talk to anyone about anything. I'll always be here, just call my name!" And with that, Raggedy Ann waved a short goodbye to you, and walked out of sight, off to do things unknown to you.

As expected, the sudden change from not being able to move a muscle to climbing and walking all around tuckered your limbs out. You went to find a pillow to lay on for a bit and regenerate energy. Just as you found one, you heard the faint click-clack of Marcella's Mary Janes coming up the stairs.

"Quick, Marcella's coming!" Grandpa shouted, running to his area. You saw Ann leap in her wooden chair and saw Andy sit behind it. You were the furthest away from your area: the white desk, so running was the only option. Your cotton-stuffed legs ached, but you weren't going to let that stop you right now. 'Rest later, run now!'

The steps grew ever closer, and all the toys were silently watching you with wide eyes. You couldn't see it, but Andy was genuinely worried that you wouldn't make it; his eyes large and mouth slightly agape. Luckily, Topsy came over again in long strides and lifted you atop the desk. You were able to see her stride back and slam herself against the piano Ann showed you earlier.

You weren't in a good position to say anything right then, but you were endlessly thankful. Raggedy Andy let out a breath of relief before turning back to lean his head against the chair in silent exasperation. Your mind went blank as Marcella twisted the door knob, solely focusing on keeping a still smile and not on your tired limbs. "(Y/N), there you are!" Marcella came over to your desk and lifted you up. She apparently had a plan for playtime this afternoon.

Hi everyone! I just wanted to say thank you for the reads I'm getting as this is only the second day of posting chapters. Also, I had to edit chapter 1 a bit since I realized that there actually isn't a bed in the playroom, but a white desk where I thought the general bed area was. Sorry! Also, I'll be posting one chapter per day, maybe two or more if I'm feeling generous (wink wink). I'll try to make them longer for you guys, it's just a little difficult to not put too much in each chapter as I want the story to last for a good while. I hope you all enjoy the upcoming chapters!

Raggedy Andy x Female Ragdoll ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now