In the Pantry

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Andy was breathing heavily as he pulled himself into your side, a mixture of relief and exasperation going through his system. You held him close, getting closer and closer to your new destination, where you'll have to rescue a certain friend.

You and Raggedy Ann had been holding Andy up for the past two minutes, until the adrenaline left his system and he was able to think clearly. Almost getting ripped apart by the road will do that to you. Since then, he was able to mainly hold himself up with only a small amount of support from you and Ann.

Three minutes flew by along with the pavement below, your arm still around Raggedy Andy's waist for support. There was a lingering silence, aside from the hum of the engine. It was almost a silence of disbelief that mere playthings had pulled off a stunt as dangerous as this, but then again here we are.

A short stop was made a few seconds later at a stop sign, before Cynthia's father turned the car to the right. Eventually, the silence outside was invaded by the conversation inside the automobile: "..So, what's the problem?" Cynthia had been hesitant to ask, her question being answered with, "Aunt Carol wound up in the hospital. She crashed into someone's car at night and since she's so old, Uncle Bert took over and drove her up to the hospital. It's nothing serious, but goddamn I wish she'd listen to me when I tell her to get her headlights fixed." Raggedy Ann made a face at the word usage, not liking cussing to any extent after being in such an innocent environment for the majority of her life. That being said, everyone now understood the family emergency being linked to a minor car accident. "Why can't Uncle Bert pick her up?" Another question came from Cynthia's mouth. "Aunt Carol said she wanted to see you, so we're coming to get her." They turned on the radio after that.

"Now, when we pull up to the house, I want you to grab things to keep yourself entertained. We're going to pick Auntie up and then drive her home, so we'll be driving for a while being that she lives over an hour away." Her father instructed, silence following his statement where Cynthia nodded in reply.

After long last, the car slowed to a stop in front of an old home. They didn't bother pulling into their driveway since they were planning of getting back on the road as soon as possible. Cynthia opened her door and came out, the backpack in her arms. Her father came out as well, walking over to Cynthia's side to walk along side her to their house. Immediately, you all jumped into action. You and Ann began ripping what little tape there was off of Raggedy Andy's feet, allowing them to hang down backwards in a way proportionally inaccurate to everything except dolls. Then, you removed the adhesive strips off of his back which gave him the ability to finally jump onto the ground below. Once he was able to move freely, he assisted you and his sister in removing the tape strips on yourselves.

There was no time to waste. Looking around carefully, the three of you recognized the outside area to be empty with no traces of people outside to spot you. Taking the short opportunity, you crouched down slightly while making your way through the untrimmed grass of Cynthia's yard. Eventually coming to the door that Cynthia's father had incautiously left open, the three of you pushed it open wider with a small creak.

Slinking in, the three of you ran with small pit-pats against the granite floor, looking for anything to hide behind or under. The first thing you came across upon entering was a large staircase that you had momentarily pondered going up. A small tug on your arm from Annie was enough to snap you to a realization that it was more likely than not of Cynthia and her father being upstairs gathering things for their journey. That would mean a much higher possibility of being seen, and now being seen moving wasn't the least of your problems, but being seen at all was an issue now that you're in somebody else's home. Moving along through the house, Raggedy Andy led you two to a pantry located in the back of a kitchen. He held the door open, first Raggedy Ann going in, then you, and as soon as you went inside he followed suit. Quietly pulling the door shut, you lifted up a stray bag of rice on the floor and ushered Annie under to hide. She complied, going under the bag of rice and moving further back towards the wall, going under more products before finally going into a limp, more dollish state.

You followed behind her, Andy holding up the bag of rice for you and Annie sitting up to lift the product she was currently laying under. You crawled next to her, taking over her job of holding up the products for Andy, who was now crawling towards you. Your eyes would occasionally meet, so he took it upon himself to make intense eye contact with the ground (even though you could see him peek up a few times). He plopped down next to you and his sister which led you to finally drop the bags above.

Silence fell upon the three of you as large steps sounded, coming into the kitchen, walking closer to the pantry step by step, until it goes quiet outside. Two shadows were blocking the light underneath the door, then the door opened. Of course, it was Cynthia's father. "Can't we just get a break?" Raggedy Andy whispered mostly-to-himself, now getting irritated that people seemed to be around every corner all of you turned.

Cynthia's father stepped inside the closet, setting his left foot directly next to the bag the three of you were hiding under. You heard rustling coming from bags and boxes above, not being able to see him grabbing various snacks for Cynthia. A packet or two of fruit snacks, some goldfish, a granola bar.

He had to go over towards the right of the pantry in order to get a Nutri-Grain bar for himself, and since you three were located a couple inches away from the left side wall, this should be a better situation due to him moving away from your hiding place. That's what you thought anyway, until he stepped directly onto the bag of red beans that Raggedy Ann was under, stepping onto her and your right arm in the process.

Annie made the smallest, "Ough," sound and squeezed on your currently crushed arm. A sharp exhale of air came from your mouth in surprise. The rustling stopped. Did he hear you or Ann? Then his foot slid off of the bag, and he backed out of the enclosed space. What you three couldn't see was the look of confused shock on his face. He in fact did hear, but wasn't sure if it was a ghost or spirit or something else. Even though he knew the difference between hearing something in real life and thinking of a sound in your head, still being slightly creeped out, he just left the kitchen area with the snacks and tried to convince himself that he thought of it try and comfort himself (to no avail).

Finally, he went back upstairs to get his daughter so they could leave. Raggedy Andy crawled out from under the bags to go and crack the door closed, while you crawled out and moved the bag off of Raggedy Ann. "Annie, you okay?" Andy came up to her and inspected her torso, arms and legs for no stitching pops. "-I'm okay." She stuttered through her words for a quick second there, but overall she seemed fine.

You came over next to her and helped Andy work her stuffing back into place, mainly using your left arm since your right arm was more flat now. After Ann was plumped up again, her and Andy immediately turned their attention to you. He came over and started working the fluff back into your arm and Ann checked your torso, other arm, legs and stitches. "Are you okay, dear?" Annie questioned. "Yeah, you alright?" Andy looked up at you as he asked. "(Yeah, I'm okay/Feels a bit weird, but I'm alright)," you smiled at them, feeling (comforted/welcomed/accepted) by their kindness.

Once Andy was finished pushing your arm stuffing back into place, him and Ann grabbed your arms and lifted you up to your feet. "(We ready to go?/Are we ready to go?)" You asked them. "I think so. Annie?" Andy replied. "I think so too," she said, walking up to the door with you by her side. Andy nodded, and pushed his back up against the door.

Hi everyone! It's TheSilverOrca/KillerKiraraQueen again. It's been quite a while, huh? 😅 Yeah, sorry about that. School started back up, and we've had some family issues that have prevented me from going, which means that I have make-up work. It's been a bit stressful around here, but I'm trying to come back. I've been working on this chapter everyday for a little while now. I've seen a couple new people adding this story to their list during the time that I haven't updated, and I'm just so glad that I still have supporters. You guys are epic. Also, just to make sure that you guys know: this story is NOT on a hiatus, and this story is NOT discontinued. c: It may take me more time to update chapters than earlier, but this story is not by any means finished, don't worry! Thank you guys again, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the ones to come! See you all soon!

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