A Fit Welcoming

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Just as Raggedy Ann snapped back to reality, the doorknob was touched and began turning. "Move away!" She uttered, turning herself onto her back and moving underneath the rocking-chair to hide. Everyone quickly scattered, dropping into stilled positions as you and Raggedy Andy dropped, side-by-side, just as Marcella entered the room.

Marcella's mother entered the room as the faint sound of childish tears filled the air. "(She noticed that we were gone../She found out that we left!)" You whispered, and lightly squeezed Raggedy Andy's hand. His breath seemed to catch in his throat as he became struck with a pang of anxiousness. The whole situation stirred him up, and deep down, everyone knew that he most likely wouldn't ever fully recover from the memories that lurk inside of him, or it would, at the very least, take him quite a while to move past.

"Mommy, I can't find my Raggedies! Please find them, mom!!" Marcella wailed as she entered the room, her face wet and sticky from the stream of water flooding her cheeks and neck. Her mother, who had been attempting to calm the child for a good half-hour now, moved through the room, peering in the toybox and the large dollhouse. The rocking-chair was painfully empty as the mother moved behind it, her tense expression melting slightly as she lifted the two of you off of the ground.
"Here, sweetness. I found Raggedy Andy and Raggedy (Y/N)." The tired mother knew that this would only temporarily settle the panicked girl, as Raggedy Ann was her favorite, most loved doll of all. As much as Marcella couldn't define this feeling to be what it is, she knew that none of the other toys could compete.

Marcella hugged the two of you close, nonetheless, soaking your exteriors with lukewarm waterworks. She squeezed your back to her chest, yet your classic-set smile never faltered. She loosened her grip on the both of you, "..But where's Ann, Mommy?" A deep sigh of near exasperation, "I'm not sure, Marcella. Let's go make lunch in the kitchen and watch a movie. I'll come back and look later." And with the short search being concluded, the young girl set you and Andy down into the rocking-chair gently, only frazzling her nerves the more she notices how empty it is without her most sentimental toy. The child left, clutching onto her mother's side in a walking-hug. The door shuts, two pairs of footsteps are heard walking downstairs, and the television is switched on.

Raggedy Andy leaps onto the floor, dragging you down by the right foot in urgency. You (gasp/yelp/stay silent from surprise) in response, but he catches you in his arms and runs behind the rocking-chair. Setting you down beside him, he gently pulls Raggedy Ann out from underneath said chair, and allowed Susie Pincushion to complete the final round of stitches.

Ann immediately made an attempt to stand, but was off-balance and was unaware of just how long she had been in two separate pieces. She stumbled and quaked, but her devoted brother made sure to stabilize her. "Ann- careful, you aren't ready to walk yet-" Andy was cut off by a hug, possibly the biggest one he'd ever received, by a trembling sister. "I missed you, Andy! It was scary without you, I'm sorry you went through this. I love you."

"I love you too, Annie. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you better. And don't you ever do that again!" He squeezed her, putting more emphasis on the last part.

"Oh, Andrew.. It was my choice to do that, don't blame yourself." She pecked him on the cheek, and turned her attention to you.

"Thank you (Y/N), I'm really happy that you're part of our family." She embraced you, putting her small amount of body weight on you as a way to self-stabilize without her brother. She then leaned in to whisper in your ear, "Thanks for helping Andy." She gave you a heartfelt smile, squeezing your hands in a way of saying, 'Be good to him,' as everyone then closed in and gave varieties of affectionate touches in a sort of celebration for overcoming such intensely terrible events.

You could see Raggedy Andy behind the majority of the toys, looking.. bothered. His eyebrows were creased together, his eyes staring ahead at his sister and making small movements to observe everyone. It was as if an internal battle was unraveling in his head, projecting into his eyes as you could visibly see how upset he was.

Part of him knew that the others had never actually experienced such things, and that they couldn't process it without that necessary personal experience. As someone who was specially made to already have an incredibly, incomparable relationship with Raggedy Ann made the situation intensified. He sighed, moved into the circle of affection, and returned the gestures with his other family members. He almost tried to dull these feelings down by just enjoying the warmness of his loved ones. He was hugged on, kissed on the cheeks, held closely, and you noticed the lump in his throat. What he couldn't understand was why he was ready to burst around such happiness, but he decided to go take a few minutes alone.

He ushered and slid away from everyone, showing off a smile and saying, "I'll be back!" He went to the back of the room, walking past you and putting his hand on your back. He let it fall off of your back as he continued walking, and eventually sat neat in the corner, trying to work through his feelings. He pulled his hat down over his face, making his eye-space as dark as it could be for being in the middle of the day.

You were pulled in the gathering of toys, and immediately was hugged, squeezed, hand-held, and sweetly told how you are appreciated. It made you feel (welcome/joyful/uncomfortable/loved), but you still had a lingering thought about Andy in the back of your (yarn-covered *hair*/soft head *no hair*).

Whilst hugging and talking to the toys, you decided that you should probably give Andy some company.

Raggedy Andy x Female Ragdoll ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now