Welcome, Morning

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Ann was hanging on Andy, and he'd console her while also still wanting to be consoled. And as everyone sat adorned by the light of the fireworks, you thought about all of the memories you'd make together with everyone, including Andy.

The nursery toys were so invested in the fireworks, their eyes were practically marked with the vibrant lights. Their eyes were open in the curiosity of a small child, and they loved the cheers coming from their little Marcella. You discretely look a glance over at Raggedy Andy. He had his mouth slightly open, his eyes shining with the reflections of the fireworks. You found it a bit cute in a way, the wonder in his expression could make anyone smile. You suddenly got a wave of tiredness. Your doll body has been overworked for the day, and you were ready to go gather energy for the next day ahead.

With your eyes heavy, you slumped down and pulled your hand away from Andy's. That led to him turning his head towards you, not saying anything, just looking. It was clear that he thought you got uncomfortable, and he didn't really want to do anything like that to anyone. Even though he's a, "strong, tough and terrific boy," he does care for all of his friends, since they were basically his family. Since you weren't around yet to see his little musical number, whenever he bumped into one of the toys or fell on them, he'd pat them on the head or give them some form of affection afterwards. Though, Raggedy Ann was sure that it would be much easier to dislike Andy if you'd heard his heavy complaining of the feminine nature of the nursery.

Not wanting to use the spare energy to talk, you simply gave him a reassuring smile and a little wave before parting from the group and heading towards the white desk. It wasn't exactly comfortable, but you didn't want to risk Marcella coming in and seeing you in the wrong place before you could move. So, to make your sleep a little better, you curled up under the bag you had arrived in. The room was lukewarm, so you weren't going to freeze through the night.

You replayed the day in your head, taking note of how quiet Raggedy Andy was being earlier. Though, should you worry about it? 'Surely he'll talk more tomorrow, and due to the handholding it seems like nothing is wrong.' You thought, before slowly drifting off.


The gleam of sunlight creeping though the window is what woke you that morning. Surprisingly, it wasn't the loud BANG of Marcella crashing into the room. She did a little squeal in her happy state, then came over to you and placed you with the herd of toys on the other side of the room. "Oh, isn't this great? My dear friend Cynthia is coming over to play today!" She excitedly explained. She sat down on the floor, sighing contentedly. "I haven't seen Cynthia in so long- it's been a few years..," she trailed off, "..-but that's okay! I'm gonna go get ready, Mom said she's coming at 5!" With that, she got up and trotted to the door. She left with her daily, "Raggedy Ann, you're in charge of the playroom!"

Everyone started moving comfortably again, and Topsy went to close the door since Marcella didn't do it all the way. "Oh, brother," Raggedy Andy exhaled. You walked over to his general area, "What is it? Who's Cynthia?" You questioned, wanting to understand why a friend coming over was a bad thing. "Whenever Marcella has friends come over- has girls come over," he said 'girls' with what sounded similar to disgust or resentment, shivering a little, "-they always stay for a long time and make us play tea party, make us go outside, and then they'll leave us out there half the time!" He exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air for the last part.

You had to admit, his explanation really didn't make this playdate sound fun at all. "Oh Andy.." Raggedy Ann held her hand to her forehead, like a facepalm. "It really isn't all that bad, Marcella plays with us!" Ann said mostly to you, but also to Andy on a lesser extent. It was very apparent of how much she enjoyed spending time with Marcella. "I don't need to be played with, I've got all the attention I need from me, myself, and me!" He concluded, pointing his thumb at his chest and then crossing his arms in a pout-like manner. (Upon watching this, you wanted to laugh./Upon watching this, you noticed that Andy didn't like looking on the brighter side.) (You humored the situation, finding it funny./You wanted to figure out a way to give him a more positive outlook.) "Well, we'll never know how bad it'll be until we meet Cynthia, right?" Raggedy Andy looked away at your words, wearing a strained expression in a way that showed how you were right, but he didn't want to admit it. "You always have such pleasant input, (Y/N)." Raggedy Ann said upon witnessing how Andy relented to you, tenderly smiling at you. "Oh, thank you Ann. You're pretty great yourself," you complemented before returning your attention to Andy. "I'm sure it won't be too bad, Andy." You placed a hand on his shoulder. "Ehhh, we'll see," he declared.

After that, everyone really took to themselves. Raggedy Andy had taken to being alone a little more. Of course, his reasoning was unknown to you but he felt like he needed to dwell upon his and Ann's chat. Raggedy Ann had noticed his behavior, but didn't believe that it would prove to be worrisome. In fact, she should that having some alone time to think about it for himself might be a good thing for him, so she let him be. You had nothing much to do, so you just conversed with Susie Pincushion about the leg issue from before, receiving advice to try to avoid constant walking, and to come see her if any rips occur. The playroom toys were all just trying to kill some time until 5 rolled around. '5 o'clock, here we come.'

Raggedy Andy x Female Ragdoll ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now