The Purloined

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It wasn't suspicious to you, you didn't really know that feeling anyway, you just felt a tad bit strange about her.

As they played together, you were zoning out thinking about playing tag with Raggedy Ann & Andy, thinking about playing another round after Cynthia left.

It had been a few hours now. Toys were able to go through their sleep-like state with their eyes open since they had no need to blink, so that's what happened to you. It wasn't intended, but when you have to sit through hours of not being able to move, talk, or even being played with, boredom takes it's toll. The whole situation was almost like back in the mall, which really didn't help uplift the mood.

You awoke to a low shuffling noise, like one of the toys were trying to walk. Due to your eyes already being open, as soon as you regained consciousness everything was visible. Immediately, you focused in on one of The Twin Pennies. The sight was peculiar all on it's own because The Twins are always together. The one you saw was The Twin who stood on the left- The Left Penny. She was sneaking around little objects on the nursery floor, moving near the opposite side of the room.

"Penny! What're you doing??" One of the toys whispered, obviously taken aback by The Left Penny's actions. The Left Penny didn't audibly reply, only looked in the toy's direction (which was the left- The Penny was in front of you) and put a finger to her lips. She saw your face for only half a second where your eyes met, then she resumed her unknown mission.

She shuffled behind a wooden block, stopping to observe the two girls; waiting until their backs were turned. It only became apparent to what she was moving towards when she got to it. It was Cynthia's.. backpack? What was she doing there?

You watched in silent (horror/surprise/worry) as two hands pressed against the fabric of the backpack from the inside. The Left Penny put her hands against the other pair, and you could faintly hear two voices in unison rasp, "Sister."

"Cynthia, dear! Your father's on the phone," Marcella's mother called from the downstairs house phone, giving the perfect signal for the two girls to come down. Cynthia and Marcella boomed down the stairs, carelessly leaving the door open. "Please, help me!" The Left Penny asked, desperately. The already pathetic scenery was made more upsetting due to the fact that the Pennies weren't speaking in any kind of tune or rhythm.

Everyone crowded around, murmuring amongst one another. Cynthia's backpack wasn't a zipper backpack- if it was, then opening it would've been quite simple and easy. The toys would see Marcella's backpack from time to time, and her backpack had a zipper. But no, this backpack had a clasp. No toy in the nursery had experience with opening clasps.

The confirmed person on the other side was The Right Penny, and her fear was apparent to everyone. Her voice was choked up, making it seem as if she was on the verge of tears. "It's dark, I can't see. Get me out of here!" She yanked on the seams of the bag and clawed against anything she could feel, trying to make a small rip. That was all she wanted, all she needed to escape this unexplored area. But, as luck would have it, the bag gave her nothing. Only tough fabric that held all too well.

Meanwhile, The Left Penny pulled and wiggled the clasp, just wanting to get her sister to safety. Her breathing quickened, a sure sign of panic. That made it time for Susie Pincushion and Maxi Fixit to try. Maxi tried to break it with a small hammer he stored away in his head, while Susie tried to open it the correct way. Then, Topsy rolled in.

At this point, no one cared about if the clasp broke. They tried the right way, but they didn't know the right way. In fact, that's one of the reasons they had Topsy try; since she was built larger than the rest of the toys, there was a possibility of breaking the clasp. And that's exactly what happened- Topsy made it her main objective to break it, so she slammed her fist against it a few times. When that didn't work, she slammed her head down on the clasp. Her head was made of thick porcelain, so she did take a risk of cracking herself but felt it was worth it.

Once the clasp released, everyone backed away. You felt so overwhelmed watching all of this unravel: Both Twin Pennies panicking, no one being able to set The Right Penny free, Topsy risking breaking her head in pieces, the heavy atmosphere around you.

A hand was placed on your left shoulder, making you jump. You whipped around, revealing that it was not a threat, but Raggedy Andy. He pulled on your shoulder, effectively making you take a step back. He put his arm around your shoulders, in a sort of embarrassed emotional support half-hug. You welcomed it, holding his hand hanging from your shoulders.

A small thump sounded, and your attention was regained. The Right Penny was slowly crawling out of the opening, breathing deeply to get all of the air she could. The Left Penny immediately dropped down to her knees to help her sister get out. In that very moment, everyone could hear Marcella whine, "Nooo, I don't want her to go!" "I'm sorry honey, she'll just have to stay over on another day," then followed by a slow pit-pat returning to the playroom. Reacting on pure instinct, The Right Penny dropped limp, still half inside the backpack.

Everyone scurried back to their spots, while you just stood stock still. Andy grabbed your hand and yanked you down next to him. He had already fallen down without you noticing. Because you were limp, your ragdoll body leaned against him without your intentions to do so, earning a little squeal from Raggedy Andy. You couldn't see, but there was faint coloration in his cheeks. Everyone was tense, including you two, but both of you added a tiny amount of comfort into each other, so this was appreciated.

Cynthia had reached the playroom once again. When she came over to collect her bag, she saw how her clasp was broken and how The Right Penny was now halfway out of the bag. Cynthia made a confused grimace, pushing The Right Penny back in the backpack and pushing The Left Penny away from said bag. She gave the rest of the toys and you strange looks, as if she didn't remember you or Andy being in the places you were now.

Deciding to worry about it later, Cynthia picked up her backpack, now manually holding it shut due to the nonfunctional clasp. She scoffed in annoyance. 'I'll have to get this fixed.. How did it break, anyway?' She thought, knowing that Marcella couldn't be the culprit since she and her were in the same room all throughout the day. 'Oh well.'

And with that, she gave one final glance at you and the toys, and she began walking out of the room, with two little hands pressed against the bag's fabric.

Hey guys! I'm back! Been a while, yikes. I'm gonna make it a personal goal to post regularly again, sorry about not 🥲. Hope you enjoyed this chapter, see you in the next!

Raggedy Andy x Female Ragdoll ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now