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A/N: read to the end, there is a cast/visualization.


A wave of nervousness suddenly came over me, I felt nervous to meet my children. I might just be afraid that they don't like me, or that they hate me after leaving them for three days. Aro gripped my hand gently trying to reassure me not to worry.

We stepped into a room not far from my private room. I mustered up the courage to slowly open it.

I saw Clara, Devian and Marcus holding the babies. I stepped up to one of the babies which had jet black hair, like Aro's but his eyes were ocean blue like mine. I took it from Marcus' arms gently and lovingly. He looked at me and moved his lips to mention Abercio, I nodded in understanding. Even if he didn't tell me my mother's intuition would have guessed it.

"Hi, Abercio. I'm your mother, sorry I only got to meet you and your siblings at this time." I said to him in a small whisper, I smiled when I saw his face starting to become cheerful, smiling broadly showing his cute teeth. I stroked his fingers gently, I missed three days of their growth.

Their three precious days, the beginning of their existence.

Holding him for a while before my baby who was in Devian's arms sounded a whimper, asking me to immediately hold him. I laughed, my worries disappeared in an instant. I put Abercio into Caius' arms, then to the other baby. He is very similar to Caius, I inherited the shape of his nose. He was as possessive and impatient as his father, I carried him slowly.

"Hey, son. Try to be a little patient," I said to him, I looked into his eyes carefully, it was beautiful. I stroked his cheek gently, he laughed in a very cute voice. Achiles, I whispered in his ear. I gave it back to Devian's arms.

I stepped my foot towards my baby girl, she was very calm and very controlled. I took it carefully from Clara. She has a natural Brunnette beauty, the tiny little girl in my arms looks like she has brown eyes shining brightly at me, her beautiful brown hair looks like mine, the tiny face looks almost exactly like mine. He's like a mini version of me.

Hers tiny hand tried to touch my cheek making me confused. Hers hand manages to touch my cheek, memories of our first meeting and all the things he and hers other siblings have been through enter my vision. I smile at her, she has the same power as Renesmeé.

"I love you too, Adel." I replied to her statement in her memory. If I could cry maybe by now I've done it, their memories, the way they look at me, the way they feel when they're with me makes me feel so precious. Don't be sad mom. Hers hand reached out to touch me again, telling me not to be sad.

"No, I'm not sad. I'm just so happy to be able to carry you and meet you are." I explained to her, she seemed to understand.

I held her gently and whispered words that showed how much I loved her, I knew she would start sleeping longer than the rest of her siblings.

Maybe my life now is much more perfect than before.


It's my fifth day after my change, I've got a call from Wendy and Demetri about Nahuel and Huilen, they're coming in a bit. I sat nervously waiting for them, after all he was the important one in breaking dawn.

He saved people from the horrible war.

After the birth of my babies I have been with them most of the time, but I have to be apart now. We couldn't possibly show it to Nahuel and Hauilen right away. It would probably make the heart stop beating even if they didn't have a heartbeat anymore.

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