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The calm atmosphere on a sunny Volterra morning made me think of going out to sun them out in the sun a bit, to be honest it wasn't really necessary but I did it anyway.

I held Abercio in my arms, his tiny arms wrapped around my neck, the sound of his soft snoring still ringing in my vampire ears.  If you look at all of his behavior he is the one who takes my human side the most, his behavior is really like a human child apart from drinking blood of course.

Their bodies don't shimmer as bright as my skin, it's not blinding but very beautiful.  Caius' voice made me turn my attention away from Abercio.

"Don't you like to bite?"  Caius asked with a groan.  I chuckled at the sight.  If you ask who the most vampire trait is Achiles, the human attitude that stands out the most is sleep, while the vampire's behavior is biting.

A sound like something falling from a height caught my ear, I looked at the tree that was moving.  I vaguely saw the remnants of the smoke that I recognized, it was definitely Wendy.

"Oh hi everyone, my back hurts. Wrong landing again."  She complained to me.  She walked over to the chair I was sitting on.  This time I didn't warn her to put some distance between us because I just became a shiny predator a few days ago.  She is very stubborn.

"Where's Demetri?"  I asked, looking around.  They usually stick together almost every second.  As I recall they went to take Nahuel and Huilen back to Brazil.

"Oh he stopped by to eat-I mean hunting, I wasn't that keen on seeing my kind killed so I went straight back and of course for the little babies too."  Hers hand reached out to hold Abercio.  I let him be carried by Wendy.  "Oh look how beautiful your eyes are, at least this time I won't get tired of seeing red eyes everywhere."  She babbled at Abercio while the tiny baby just smiled and giggled a little.  She managed to wake him up from him sleep.

"Your eyes are going to be red too remember?"  I restrained myself from rolling my eyes at her.

"Yeah, at least it's still pretty brown now."  She said while flaunting it arrogantly.  I've now turned my face away in disgust, and it looks like Caius, Devian and Renata are doing the same.

"Your brown eyes are beautiful but they are  Most beautiful when have in Adelphie."  Renata said and turned Adelphie's body carefully towards Wendy.

"When will I admit that my brown eyes are the most beautiful?"  She put on an innocent face.  We all put on disgusted faces, I would have smacked the back of hers head if she hadn't been holding Abercio.

"By the way where are Aro and Marcus? Isn't it a coincidence that vampires are a bit more restrained lately?"  Caius briefly made a suspicious facial expression, making me wonder what they were doing exactly.  "There's some business with someone, I think."  I said shrugging, to be honest I know them too well to be quite easy to detect something is not right.

"Okay," Wendy just nodded in understanding and continued playing with Abercio, the kid looks quite cheerful like Aro I guess.

I keep watching the three of them as the wind blows carrying the dry leaves, it's probably already fall.  Some rangers say that it rarely snows in this country.  It sometimes makes me wonder why not choose an area that has little contact with sunlight, like forks for example.

But Aro said that it would be difficult to get tourists to come to such a remote place, The man he mentioned forks as a remote place.  He should have come up with a better excuse, besides I wouldn't have had them move the center of the vampire government to a new place.

I looked around to see, my babies were starting to grow.  As well as Caius, Wendy, Devian and Renata playing around with them.  Moments like this my memory replays some of our memories that I find interesting.  Very interesting...

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