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My eyes are watching my children with satisfaction, they have grown like children aged several years.  Their strength began to show slowly over time.  When they were babies, their strength wasn’t very visible, except for Adel, she was the most obvious.

My mates and I don’t really care about their strength, although yeah Aro is kind of hoping for it.

Abercio is like me a kind of telekinesis but he can also hold some people on the ground and immobilize them which makes them like statues of adonis for a while.  As for Achiles, he can make someone feel excruciating pain in his head, more specifically, maybe in the nerves of the brains of both vampires and humans – he managed to do that to poor Alec.

And about Alec, according to Marcus he and our daughter seem to have a unique bond, it’s strong, like brothers, but it could be something different.  They have the potential for a romantic relationship, which is why Caius always looks at Alex sharply.  Watching carefully every second Alec was with Adelphie, he just wanted to make sure that the vampire didn’t do uncultured things to a child.  It seemed impossible for Alec to do, but still his protective instincts as a father were still there.

I trust Alec with all my heart, that teenage vampire wouldn’t do anything bad to my Adelphie.

On the other hand Aro and Marcus don’t show it clearly but they also pay a little more attention to Alec’s behavior, even Aro checks Alec’s memory for a while after seeing the bond from Marcus’ mind.

Honestly imagining Alec being as crazy as Jacob towards Renesmeé was impossible, he and shifter were clearly different.

Sometimes I wonder what this world is.  Not a story between Jacob-Renesmeé-Nahuel but Alec-Adelphie-Nahuel.  Aro just laughs at my thoughts about that love triangle story, he always says that Nahuel doesn’t have any feelings for Adelphie.

Well of course, now she’s a baby, my big baby.

I also really don’t tolerate pedophile things especially if it has something to do with my daughter.  If he likes her the way a pedophile likes an innocent child, then I’ll kill him in the worst possible way, just like the devil destroys people.

I swear to it.

“So I can’t seem to visit Forks?”  I asked Aro who was by my side.

“Sure, you don’t want them to miss you, do you?”  He said stroking my hair gently.  Occasionally lightly kissed my temples, which made me Purrs softly to him.

“It will also keep you away from the Newborn vampire, it’s a very good choice if you stay. We don’t want you to get hurt,” Marcus’ sweet voice entered my ears.

I turned my attention away from the boys and stared at him, putting on a sour face, I still had the ambition to see Bree and Diego in the middle of that fight(To be honest from the Inside of my heart I wanted to join that battle too) Wasted my efforts to persuade them a few  last month.

Wendy was lucky that she was able to come along, all thanks to Clara’s bracelet.

If I remember back, the lives of my two friends here experienced such contrasting conditions.  Wendy was already in love with Volterra while Clara on the other hand still had to get used to working in an Italian hospital.  There is a lot of culture shock here, both in terms of life with vampires and with their human co-workers.

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