Party. Archer Style

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Kieran paced at the bottom of the stairs, tugging at his burgundy suit jacket and the black tie anxiously. His mother kept walking around him, snapping photo after photo with her big expensive camera and it was enough to drive him up the wall. He hadn't managed to nap while Lyric had been getting ready and it was wearing on him.

"MA!" he snapped. "How many photos of me pacing and being nervous do you need?"

"All of them," she replied smoothly. "You are my son, Kieran Richard Archer, and I will document an important night such as this as I see fit."

He let out a low groan and jumped when a hand clapped against his back.

"Still no nap and all grumpy," Jett teased. "You'll be fine. Drink coffee or something at the party."

He grumbled in reply and adjusted his tie for the hundredth time that early evening. How long could it possibly take to get Lyric ready? Surely not the full five hours they were creeping up on. Kieran was just about to snap at his mother again when Jett pointed to the top of the stair case.

"Holy--," he started but his breath caught.

Lyric had appeared at the top of her stairs. Dressed in a gorgeous floor length turquoise dress with wide straps and a deep neck. Her gorgeous red hair was all done in curls and was half up. His mate turned a bright red when their eyes connected and he started up the steps before Jett grabbed his arm. His Beta whispered to let his mom get some good shots of this and he realized he hadn't even noticed the annoying shutter sound or the flashes of light. He stopped on the third step and stared up at her; beyond eager to have her on his arm.

Lyric flashed him a shy and embarrassed smile as she started down the steps. He caught a glimpse of silver high heels and grinned. Mom sure knew how to plan and do parties. Kieran couldn't take his eyes off of his dolled up mate as she came down the stairs to him; he was mesmerized by her. Her deep brown eyes glanced up from her careful steps, holding his gaze and a small smile formed on her lips; then, she tripped on the heels and fell forward.

"Got you!" he said, darting up the stairs to catch her.

"Oh god, I'm so embarrassed," she muttered into his chest when he got to her before she could fall.

"Don't be," he laughed. "I saved you. You're fine."

"My hero," she whispered. His eyes went wide as she placed a soft kiss to the corner of his lips and he felt his face warm up. He blushed even harder when he heard the shutter go off several times in a row.

He took a split second to compose himself before looping their arms together and escorting her down the stairs the rest of the way. His mother snapped a few more shots then said something about heading outside to get the grand entrance shots. Jett told Lyric how pretty she looked, kissed her hand, and made his departure.

"You are breathtaking," he whispered, kissing her ear. God, her smell was intoxicating tonight.

"Thanks," she said, blushing to a crimson shade. "You are . . . well, it's beyond handsome so I don't know what to say." He chuckled.

"Are you ready for this, Lyric?" he asked.

"Nope," she sighed, eyes drifting to the floor as the doors opened up.

"Hey," he whispered. She looked at him with a meek expression. "Head up. You're mated to an Alpha son now. You have rank. Be proud to be with me."

"I am proud," she whispered back and he could smell fear on her. "And in shock."

"Show them how proud you are," he smiled at her. With one worried glance to him, Lyric straightened her back, squared her shoulders, and tilted her head up in a sign of pride and dominance. He could still smell fear and uncertainty on her, but damn, could she fake it. This was a glance at the woman she could become with enough patience. The true Alpha mate.


Lyric's heart was racing behind her ribs as she and Kieran walked through the doors and among lines of Pack members. Soft applause started as they exited, growing louder as they made their way down the path. There were no sneers, jeers, or disgusted remarks. Instead, all she could pick up on was envied whispers and quiet sounds of awe and intrigue. She even heard a few people whisper about seeing a true rarity and how they never thought they would live to see one, let alone have one in their Pack. Tears stung her eyes and she hurried to blink them away before she destroyed Tristans hard work on her makeup.

Maddox, Mira, and Jo were standing at the end of the line of people and all three had the biggest grins she had ever seen. Once they reached them, Kieran worked her into position so they stood across from one another in front of Maddox. He held her hands in his and looked at his father. The Alpha raised his hands and all the chatter came to an end.

"Allow me to present to you . . . The newest member of our Pack: LYRIC ARCHER!" Maddox said, his voice rising to a loud cry at the end. The Pack erupted into whoops and cheers and loud hollering and Lyric never felt more love, from strangers no less, in all her life. This time, the tears fell and she didn't try to stop them. Maddox once again raised his hands and silence fell over the large Pack. "Now, if the brand new MRS. ARCHER allows it, Kieran may kiss his mate."

Lyric looked at Kieran with a warm face and was relieved to see red on his handsome face as well. He raised his eyebrows in a well, can I? gesture. Hesitantly, she nodded. The smile that broke out on her mates face was breathtaking. Gently, very gently he pressed his lips to hers. Lyric felt her eyes flutter shut before she could stop them and sank into the kiss. A shocked squeak left her when he suddenly yanked her close and dipped her backwards, keeping the kiss as simple as possible. More applause and cheers and whistles. When he pulled them back to a standing position she felt blood rush to her head and her heart rate pick up. She could feel her wolf pulling at her, demanding to be released and she gripped at Kieran to try and stay calm. Soft green eyes looked at her and for once in her life, it wasn't a true struggle to tell her wolf no.

"Everyone, let's eat!" Maddox cried, clapping his hands together.

Lyric and Kieran followed the Elder Alpha pair to a long set of tables that were lined with all sorts of food. Lamb, veal, roasted pork, vegetables, wines, fruits, beers, and something that was black and lumpy. She poked at it unsure when it was their turn to get plates.

"Caviar," Kieran said. "Fish eggs."

"Gross," she said with a wrinkled nose. He laughed and helped himself to some, making her make a whole different face of disgust. Lyric stuck to mostly meats, cheeses, and vegetables; with water to drink. Kieran heaped his plate with as many different things as possible and snagged a bottle of her old Pack's blueberry wine.

While they sat down and ate, a few members of the Pack sheepishly came up and introduced themselves, asking to shake the hand of a rarity. Lyric blushed every single time and allowed her hand to be shaken. When a line started to form, Kieran stood up and said after the meal, she could mingle but that it was their time to eat.

"You didn't have to be rude," she whispered once the line dispersed.

"If you wanna get technical, they were being rude," he said after taking a bite of the caviar. "We are trying to eat and they want to bother us in the middle of it."

"You're right," she agreed, sipping her water.

Instrumental music played while they all ate and chatted. For the first time in her whole life Lyric felt accepted as part of a Pack.  

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