Chapter 31

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"What's happening?" Delia exclaimed staring at the new fully black screen. 

"I have no clue..." Damian replied, just as confused as her. 

Delia turned towards the water, trying to see if she could spot Gabriel from the surface. However, the water was too dark to see anything... "I can't see him," Delia said, turning towards Damian, "Do you think he's alright?"

"I can't either" He replied, frantically trying to get his laptop to function again, "And I don't know..." 

It was then that a splashing sound was audible behind them, followed by the sound of someone gasping for air. Immediately Delia rushed over to the edge of the boat, quickly followed by Damian. 

Gabriel had surfaced from the water, holding up the non-functioning camera, "Got it." He said, "Could you guys throw me a rope?" 

At that Damian nodded and moved away for a moment, presumably to grab said rope. Delia on the other hand stayed at the railing, noting just how bright green Gabriel's eyes looked as he looked up at her. I mean not that she hadn't noticed before, but it was then that she realised just how familiar they looked... 

Before she knew it a rope appeared next to her and Gabriel grabbed onto it. Together Delia and Damian pulled him out of the water, and for a moment Delia expected a tail to be visible. However, as Gabriel climbed onto the boat, she noticed two things, he was soaked through the bone, and he had two legs. 

He placed the camera on the floor before using his hand to push back the soaked hair. "Well, that was refreshing." He joked, "You should try it." 

Delia laughed, "I think I'll pass." 

"Here." Damian said handing Gabriel a towel, "I owe you one." 

"It's alright, I was thinking about taking a swim anyways." He replied, winking at Delia. 

Damian nodded as he walked back over to his laptop. Much to his surprise, the videofeeds had turned themselves back on and were working just fine. Gone was the black screen and everything was operating the way it was supposed to. "That's weird..." He murmured. 

"What?" Delia said walking over to him and staring down at the screen as well. "Did you fix it?"

"I didn't fix anything, it just started working again..." 

"That's weird..." 

"Perhaps it was because I was messing around with that one camera" Gabriel said as he started putting on his pants again. 

"That wouldn't make sense..." Damian replied shaking his head, "I don't understand..." 

"Guys." Delia said staring out onto the sea, "I think we should get going." 

"It's not done yet I-" Damian started before Delia tapped him on the shoulder and pointed up at the sky. Above them the dark cloud that they saw earlier was clearly getting closer, as was the storm and rain underneath it. "Shit..." Damian muttered closing his laptop. "Let's get the equipment out of the water, Delia I need your help, Gabrial get the boat ready!" 

The three of them moved quickly, each of them focussing on the task at hand, getting the hell out of there. The sea started shifting below them, anticipating the storm that was to come. Before they knew it the first droplets were already starting to fall... 

Scared Delia moved up her tempo, as she had no clue what the rain would do to her... Whether it could cause her to change or not... Slowly but surrerly  the rain started falling down harder, pounding down onto them. Quickly Delia moved towards the cabin, reaching out to open it. Another hand however, had beat her too it, "Quick, get in side." Gabriel said opening it and gently pushing her inside. 

Delia didn't need to be told twice and quickly jumped in, as Gabriel shut the door behind her. He and Damian quickly gathered the last bits of equipment before they two went into the cabin. Running a hand through his hair Damian sat down on the bench behind him, "My god... I did not see that coming." He said as Gabriel went over to the controlls getting the boat ready to leave. 

Outside the rain pelted down like bullets onto the deck, the water jumping up nearly half a foot before falling down a second time. Delia sat down on the bench next to Damian, just staring out of the window looking at the rain. 

"I'm just glad we started getting ready to leave when we did." Gabriel said as he started manoeuvring the boat back to the shore. 

"Yeah, same here." Damian said, "Although I still got soaked to the bone." He stood up and moved to stand behind Gabriel the both of them looking out onto the sea. 

As they focussed on getting them back home, Delia just sat on the bench not paying too much attention to them. She wasn't focussing on that task, instead she was focussing on Gabriel pushing her into the cabin, why did he do that? Why did he make sure she got inside before it truly started pouring?

A part of her was also quite confused when it came to the time when he was in the water... What was that green thing? Why are his eyes the same colour? Is he that green thing? Did he make the equipment stop working? If we is the green thing, where did his tail go when he came out of the water? 

Her mind was running with questions and so she didn't notice when someone approached her. "Penny for your thoughts." Gabriel said as he sat down next to her. 

"I'm sorry?" Delia said snapping out of it and turning towards him. 

"Penny for your thoughts, "He repeated with a chuckle, "You seemed like you were lost in your own world." 

"Oh..." Delia said, trying to figure out what to say, "I was just thinking about something for a deadline I have." She lied flashing him a soft smile.

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