Chapter 3

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"I'm telling you, I saw something," Delia said putting on her name tag. 

"And I believe you," Janet replied sipping her coffee. "I don't like that place, it gives me the heebie-jeebies... During the day, it's fine... But at night, na-ah."

"Is that why the light was still on there last night?" 

"I didn't leave any lights on last night," Janet replied furrowing her brows, "Besides, they were turned off at the closing time by Eddie." 

"Strange..." Delia replied, "They were on when I went back in. That's when I saw the thing again." 

"Like I said, the heebie-jeebies," Janet said, shaking her head and putting her coffee cup away. "But enough of that, it's nearly time. You have your first group in..." She looked down at her watch, "14 minutes." 



"Fun," Delia replied. 

Together they left the breakroom, splitting when Delia went to the front desk and Janet walked over to the locker room. Once Delia reached the front desk she noticed the first visitors started trickling in. 

"Are you ready?" Ricky, who was sitting at the ticket booth asked. 

"I guess so," Delia replied sitting down next to her. 

"Did you dye your hair?" Ricky asked, leaning back in her chair. 

"Sort off, they've added some high and low lights." 

"I like it, it suits you." Ricky said smiling.

"Thank you," Delia replied, "I've been wanting to change my hair for a while, but truth be told, I was a little scared to do so." 

Ricky nodded, "Yeah I get that." 

"But at least it's not that plain old brown anymore," Delia said chuckling.

"It wasn't plain, it was different," Ricky replied shaking her head. 

A man walked up to the ticket booth and Ricky had to focus on her job. Delia looked at her watch and noticed that it was time to get going to the rendezvous point. 

"I've got to get going, I'll see you later." She said getting up.

"See you later!"

Standing next to the "Guided Tours" sign she waited for the visitors to get there. Within a couple of minutes, she had a group of about 10 people. The group consisted of a two families with children and a few elderly. 

"Alright, everybody ready?" Delia asked them with a smile upon her face. 

The rest of her morning consisted of guiding a few more groups. Once she was done with her morning groups she started making her way over to the ticket booth. There Ricky still sat behind her desk, "Are you ready for lunch?" Delia asked, poking her head around the corner. 

Ricky looked up, "Yeah give me a second." 

Together the two of them started making their way through the exhibits and over to the breakroom. When they were about halfway there Ricky suddenly elbowed Delia and they stopped walking. 

"Ouch." Delia exclaimed, "What was that for?" 

"Don't look right away, but there's an extremely cute guy to the right of us." 

Right when she said that, Delia looked to the right 

"What did I just say?!" Ricky whisper yelled facepalming. 

"Which guy?"

"The hot one, which one did you think?"

Delia kept looking to the right of them, trying to figure out who the cute guy was. It was then that her eyes fell upon a pair of bright green eyes. For a moment she stared at them, trying to figure out where she had seen that shade of green before. She realized that she had been staring too long when she noticed that he was staring back. 

"Earth to Delia?" Ricky said, waving her hand in front of Delia's face, "I mean he's cute, but this is an excessive reaction." 

Delia snapped out of it and turned her head towards Ricky, "Oh, yeah right, I'm sorry, I was just distracted.

"Yeah, I noticed," Ricky said laughing, "Come let's go." 

Delia looked back at the guy whom she had been staring at. She noticed that he was also looking at her and he smiled at her. She smiled back before turning her attention back to Ricky. 

"Look at you making eye contact with a hottie." She chuckled. 

"Oh shut it," Delia replied, pushing her towards the breakroom. 

When they finally sat down to eat their lunch, Janet walked into the room as well. "Hello ladies, how are you two doing?" She asked.

"Good," The two of them replied at once. "And how are you?" Delia asked.

"Good, but damn it is busy today..." She said sitting down. "Anything interesting so far?" 

"Delia made eye contact with a hot guy," Ricky said right before taking a bite out of her sandwich. 

"Really?" Janet asked, looking at Delia with raised eyebrows, "Well you go girl." 

"Yeah, and he was like really cute," Ricky added. 

"Alright, now I gotta know, what did he look like?" Janet inquired. 

"Well he was tall," Ricky started dreamily, "Well build, for as far as I could tell. He had this handsome face with strong features and a jawline for days..."

Janet nodded, "Not bad. Not bad at all."   

"I know right, and he had this gorgeous dark hair and just the right amount of facial hair, like I said, a whole snack." Ricky continued. 

"And bright green eyes..." Delia added, staring off into the distance.

"That really was some proper eye contact," Janet said causing her and Ricky to laugh. 

Delia shook her head and smiled, "Those eyes just looked familiar. But I have to admit, he was really cute though." 

"Did you guys hear about that thing that they found?" Janet suddenly asked, changing the subject.

"What thing?" Delia asked confused. 

"They found this strange light emitting rock just outside of the new exhibit. Someone saw it lying in front of the window and they brought it in. At first, they thought it was something man-made, but they don't understand where it came from or why it emits light." 

"Weird..." Ricky muttered. 

"Where is it now?" Delia asked.

"They've stored it somewhere in the building, keeping it there so that more people can research it," Janet added. 

"Strange, really strange..." 

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